Thursday, August 21, 2014

Mark 9  Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up to a high mountain, where He is transfigured before their very eyes.  Not only are His garments changed, supernaturally white, but Elijah and Moses join Him there.  To top it all off, a cloud forms and the Voice of God tells them, " This is My beloved Son, listen to Him." 

Even with all this, the 3 disciples don't understand when Jesus talks to them about His rising from the dead.

As they come down from the mountain they are met with a crowd.  There are the 9 disciples, the scribes, and the crowd. A man, whose son is demon possessed by a spirit, who has made him mute and causes him to have seizures,  runs to Jesus and tells Him what is happening.  It is interesting to note the man's words.. " and I told Your disciples to cast it out and they could not do it."

The boy is brought to Jesus.  Jesus watches as the boy suffers an awful seizure and then asks the man how long this has been happening.  As in the situation with the Syrophenician woman, Jesus seems in no hurry to cast out the demon.  He is going deeper with the father... He is looking for or waiting for evidence of faith.  The man answers, " From childhood. And it has thrown him both in the fire and into the water to destroy him. But if You can do anything, take pity on us and help us!"

Now, Jesus gets to the heart of the problem, " If You can! All things are possible to him who believes."  The statement "... if You can"  is not much of confession of faith.  It's not even hoping for a crumb from the master's table.  It's not a prayer.  It's not an entreaty.  It's not confidence in the Lord Who is the Beloved Son.

How wonderful and kind our Savior is, to lead this man, and us into faith.  " Immediately the boy's father cried out and began saying, 'I do believe; help my unbelief.' "  The deeper need in this man was transformed thinking... from unbelief to belief... from demanding that the disciples do his will, to  humbly crying to Jesus for His help.

Compare this case with the demoniac in Gennesaret. Those demons instantly recognized Jesus, pleaded with Him to be sent into the pigs, and drove the thousands of pigs into the water.  In this case, twice in His presence, the demons throw the boy into convulsions.  When Jesus orders it to leave and never come back, it about kills the boy.  In fact the people around him think he is dead, until Jesus takes his hand and raises him up. Why?

When Jesus goes in the house, the disciples question Him about why they couldn't cast out this demon.  "And He said to them, 'This kind cannot come out by anything but prayer.' "

Father in heaven,  You are wise and we are not.  You know all things, You have all of creation in Your hands.  We don't understand or comprehend Your power, Your greatness, or Your plans.  But we thank You for leading us, for patiently bringing us to believe and to trust and to obey .   We need Your  help Lord Jesus.  Help us to believe.  Help us to pray.  Help us to wait.  Help us to rejoice in hope and to worship in holiness.  We cannot do anything on our own, but nothing is impossible for You.  Let Your will be done,  Let Your Name be honored, and Let Your kingdom come.  Lead us in Your paths,  and deliver us from the evil one.   Beloved Son, we ask this in Your Name.  Amen.

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