Monday, August 4, 2014

Mark 2   Jesus is home in Capernaum and many are gathered to hear Him, when a group of four men bring their paralyzed friend to be healed.  The crowd is so large that they can't get in the door, so they come through the roof.    Have we ever wanted to get to Jesus that much?  Especially, on account of a helpless, hopeless, disabled friend?   We let busyness or business stand in the way... we let people and things stand in the way... we let feelings and problems stand in our way...we let pride and selfishness stand in our way.   The friends of this man cared enough to rip open the roof of the house!  They didn't let anything stop them from bringing their friend to Jesus.  No wonder Jesus noticed their faith!

But, did they expect the words that came out of Jesus' mouth?  Probably not! "My son,your sins are forgiven."  Jesus went straight to the heart of the matter.  This young man had a greater need than his physical paralysis.  He was headed for hell.  Jesus startled the people gathered around Him.  The scribes immediately accused Him of blaspheming. They couldn't get their minds around what Jesus was doing.  He addresses their concerns immediately.  " Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven'; or to say, 'Arise and take up your pallet and walk?' But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins" - He said to the paralytic- 'I say to you, rise, take up your pallet and go home.' "

Jesus healed the body of the young man in order that they would know that He could also heal the soul.  The greater need is forgiveness of sin.  As difficult, as awful as it was, especially in those days, for a young man to be paralyzed, the need for salvation if more important.

Father in heaven,  how amazing You are!  You have given to us a Savior, Your Son, to forgive our sins.  Thank You!   Oh let us not allow anything to get in our way, to keep us from Jesus!  Let nothing get in our way to bringing the ones we love to Jesus! Help us to put aside the concerns of this world, to put aside our worries and fears, our pride, our things.... and see the urgency of bringing our friends to You!  You are our only hope, Lord.  Bring Your kingdom, do Your will, and let Your Name be praised and glorified!  Amen.

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