Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Mark 5:21-43  Two women - one only 12, just reaching the beginning of womanhood,  the other, we are not told how old she is, but we are told that she has suffered from a hemorrhage for 12 years.  Perhaps from the time of her youth...  One experiences death and resurrection;  the other experiences immediate healing of both her body and her soul.

The woman with the hemorrhage had enough faith to push through the crowds, reach out to Jesus from behind and touch his garment.  The father of the young girl had enough faith to buck the system and risk the wrath of the Jewish leaders, to come humbly before Jesus and beg Him to heal his daughter.  Even when the report came that she had already died, Jairus kept on believing.

My pastor just finished preaching on the parallel passage recorded in Matthew.  He focused on the message in these miracles.  The fact that Jesus revealed His power and authority over death and life, over demons and disease, over nature and over everything.   And this is so true.

Jesus spoke to the woman, " Daughter, your faith has made you well, go in peace and be healed of your affliction."  And he spoke to the parents of the young girl who was now dead, " Do not be afraid any longer, only believe."   Here is the power of Christ over suffering and death, and here is the merciful gentleness of Jesus, speaking peace into both of these situations.  The woman had suffered so long.  She was afraid and trembling when she was "caught" by Jesus after touching His garment.   Jairus had just been told that his daughter was dead.  Pain and fear and despair would have gripped his heart... yet Jesus spoke peace into his heart as well.

Note the connections - faith introduces peace; fear is vanquished by believing.   It is in Jesus that healing and life is found, this is true.  It is also true that when we reach out to Him in faith and when we choose to believe instead of fear - that we will find true peace.  That which goes beyond the physical need to the deepest needs in our hearts.

O Lord Jesus, we bow before You in humble adoration! You are our life giver and You are the Prince of Peace.  We put all our faith in You, for You alone are able to give us life and hope.  Our world is starving for such Hope, Lord.  Yet hard hearts and stubborn wills refuse to bow before You.  Open their eyes Lord! Open our eyes and free our tongues to tell of the wonderful works of our gentle Shepherd!  Help us to be diligent in proclaiming Your Name and Your greatness to a lost world.  Help us to be fervent in spirit and to serve You with all our strength.  For we present our bodies to You, Lord, as living and holy sacrifices, acceptable to God, in worship.  Amen.

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