Thursday, August 7, 2014

Mark 3 : 1-6    Jesus goes to a synagogue.  Here is a place to worship.  To hear the Word of God read. To meet with God.  But, the scribes and Pharisees were ready to spring their trap on Him.  ".. and a man was there with a withered hand."  They had 2 motives for having this man present - first so that they could see what Jesus would do- and second, so that they could accuse Him of  violating the Law.

Jesus calls for the man to come to Him.  He does not blame the man or ignore the challenge, even though He knows what this is all about.  " Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save a life or to kill?"  Jesus wants them to stop focusing on the "work" aspect of the Sabbath - it is not about lifting a tool or doing any sort of labor.  The purpose of the Sabbath was always about man's "good".   It was about resting from labor, yes, but for man's benefit.  It wasn't supposed to be a burden, but a delight!
His question turns the focus on what is important - to do good or to do harm;  to save a life or take a life;  what is God's will in those acts?  It is always to do good and to save others!  Always... even on a holy day.  

The Pharisees "kept silent".  They couldn't answer His question, for they wouldn't admit that they were wrong.  The Law was more important to them than the will of God.  It had become their god, and they refused the Truth... even though they had to know that what Jesus said was right.   This made Jesus angry!  He "grieved at their hardness of heart.." Their willful rebellion against their Creator.

With compassion and grace, Jesus restored the withered hand of this man.  What an amazing miracle!
A useless, deformed, and disabling hand... made perfect.   Instead of praising God, the Pharisees immediately walk out of the synagogue and begin to make plans to destroy Jesus.   They were blind to the Presence of God and to His amazing grace and glorious majesty and set on keeping themselves in charge of all things religious....they wanted to sit on the throne, not bow to Him Who is King!

From Tozer's book The Knowledge of the Holy - "Sin has many manifestations but its essence is one.  A moral being, created to worship before the throne of God, sits on the throne of his own selfhood and from that elevated position declares, 'I AM'.  That is sin in its concentrated essence ; yet because it is natural it appears to be good."    When we refuse to accept the sovereignty of God, refuse to dethrone ourselves - our own desires, will, and even moral decisions - that is sin. 

This is what the Pharisees were doing.  This is what we all do.... until we are confronted with the Gospel and realize that we are not the king of our own lives - for God is our King.  He is our Creator and everything came from Him and is dependent upon Him.  And as Tozer goes on to say - that rebellious thinking, which is the same as Lucifer's, must be reversed by our Lord Jesus,  the old self nailed to the cross, crucified with Him Who bore our sins that we might have forgiveness and freedom .

Father in Heaven,  You are our Creator and God.  You and You alone can rule righteously and perfectly - in all holiness and goodness.  We are like sheep, we have gone astray, we have wanted to do things our own way - instead of bowing in worship and obedience before You.   Oh forgive us.  Convict us, Holy Spirit, of any rebellious thoughts or attitudes in our hearts!  Turn us away from self and sin.  We worship You.  We yield to You.  Thank You for saving us and setting us free from the dominion and blindness of sin and rebellion against Your will.   Thank You for the Truth that Your will is always to do good and to save. Your will is good and acceptable and perfect!  Transform us, renew and renovate and refashion our minds so that we can discern Your will individually.  We ask this in Your Name, King Jesus, amen.

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