Friday, August 15, 2014

Mark 6  Jesus gives His twelve disciples the authority to cast out demons and heal the sick.  Then He sends them out to do the work of the Kingdom.  When they come back and report all that they had done, He takes them off to a deserted place to rest.  Except that the crowd sees where they are going and beats them there.  Instead of resting quietly, they end up serving 5000 men, plus women and children, from the 5 loaves and 2 fish.  After that, Jesus sends them off on the boat while He sends the crowd away.
After the crowd leaves, Jesus goes to the mountain to pray.  From there He sees the disciples struggling with heavy winds in the sea.... so He walks out, on the water, yet He intends to pass them by!  Except when they see Him and cry out, He comes to them and calms the sea.
When they arrive at Gennesaret they are again surrounded by people, who bring their sick to Him.. and He heals all who touch the fringe of His coat.

Psalm 145 : 11-12 says that those who are "godly ones" shall " speak of the glory of Thy kingdom and talk of Thy power; to make known to the sons of men Thy mighty acts, and the glory of the majesty of Thy kingdom."  In Mark 6, the writer gives us just that.  He tells of the power of Jesus and the majesty of His Kingdom.  These are the things that we also can share with those who are in great need. To those who have no other hope....

Jesus healed the sick and gave His disciples the authority to do the same.
Jesus overcame evil spirits and gave His disciples authority to do the same.
Jesus took 5 loaves and 2 fish and used it to feed over 5000 - through the service of His disciples.
Jesus walked across a roaring sea, in a furious wind, and brought calm to His disciples.
Jesus allowed anyone who needed to.. to touch Him and be healed.

This is the power of God, revealed in Jesus Christ.  This is the God we love and serve and obey.. and put our trust in.  He has not changed.  He has not become any less powerful.  But, we are like the disciples, " greatly astonished, for they had not gained any insight from the incident of the loaves, but their heart was hardened."    Those rocks... the ones that keep the roots from going down deep; that keep us from receiving all of the Word and becoming fruitful... are what keeps our hearts hard.
We want to believe.  We want to see His glory.  But hardened hearts keep us from that full experience of His power and Kingdom.

Jesus gives us the answer that we need, " Take courage; it is I, do not be afraid." (verse 50)
It takes courage to live as a disciple of Jesus.  To take what He has given us and hand it over to a needy world... for we are afraid of the ridicule and the rejection.. and we are afraid that He will not do what we want Him to do - heal, deliver, provide, bring calm to the storm.
But if we don't take courage and believe that Jesus is right here with us... that we can trust Him; that we can put aside our fears and know that His power is given to us - then those without hope will remain lost and sick and oppressed;  they will not know that Jesus is King of a glorious Kingdom and that He has infinite power and unsearchable goodness.  

Take courage.  KJV says "be of good cheer".  The Greek word is tharseo - courage; comfort; boldness; confidence.  The disciples did not gain this confidence and boldness.. this courage and comfort... until the Comforter, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon them at Pentecost.  It is the power of the Holy Spirit, filling us, giving us this courage and confidence in the Presence and Power of our Lord Jesus Christ... that we need. 

Father in heaven,  You are infinite and eternal,  You are worthy of all honor and praise.  We extol You.  We bless Your holy Name.  Lift up our thoughts to meditate on Your greatness.  On Your power and wisdom and glory.  We are too afraid.. give us courage to proclaim the greatness of our God.
Forgive our small faith and our unbelief.  We have conformed our thoughts of You to the world's way of thinking, please transform us - renewing our minds- that we might behold Your glory and power and grace. That we will know You, the great I AM.   Come, Holy Spirit and fill us again and again.  Make us fervent in spirit that we might serve our Lord and King.  That we might give hope to those who are without hope. Oh Jesus, our Mediator, it is in Your Name we ask this.  Amen.

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