Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Mark 5:1-20   Jesus leaves the crowds behind and crosses the sea during the evening.  A fierce storm comes up while Jesus is sleeping, and the disciples wake Him up in their panic. With a Word, He calms the storm....and they reach the other side.

Here they are met by a violent man ( Matthew tells us there were 2 men).  The man is incredibly strong.  He is in anguish. He is ought of his mind.  There are so many demons taking up residence in this poor man that they call themselves, "Legion".  When Jesus gives them permission to enter the pigs, we are told that about 2000 of them ran into the sea.  This man had no hope of ever being freed from this miserable life... until Jesus met him there.   I have always loved the thought that Jesus came across the sea, through a storm, for this one divine appointment.  To deliver this man from a legion of evil spirits.  He did it for one person.  He will do amazing things for each of us.

The evil/unclean spirits recognize Jesus immediately.
They bow before Him and cry out to Him.
They identify themselves to Him.
They beg Him for a favor.
They wait for His permission.
They obey His will.

We need to recognize the power of the presence of Jesus Christ.  We live in a world of people filled with hopelessness and pain. some who are violent and out of their minds.  It is only the Presence of Jesus that will deliver men from such spirits.  Even today, as the shocking news of the suicide of Robin Williams causes us great sadness,  I can't help but wonder if he ever heard that Jesus loved him?  The only truth  that could have brought him deliverance... had he only put his trust in Christ.   Oh, how heartbreaking it is to think of hurting, desperate men and women who think that death is going to be any better.   Their only hope is Jesus... in life and in death. We need to take the good news to all people!

The people in Gerasenes did not want Jesus to stay.  Fear filled them, instead of praise and thanksgiving.  But, the freed man was not afraid any longer!  He wanted to go with Jesus.  Instead, Jesus gave him a commission to go tell his people what the Lord had done for him.  And he proclaimed it every where he went.

Jesus, Your Name is power!  Your Name is mighty to save.  You are the rescue for sinners and the ransom from heaven.  You are our only Hope!  Come and reign in us.  Wash us and make us whole again. Free us from the dominion of darkness.  Your Kingdom come.  Your will be done!  Heavenly Father, thank You for salvation in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord.
We are Your children.  We receive all that You have given according to Your lovingkindness and mercy.  Fill our voices with this truth and good news that we might share the hope that is within us with all those we come into contact with.  Give them ears to hear.
In Jesus' Name we pray.

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