Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Psalm 54  God, You are my helper.  You are the sustainer of my soul.  You deliver me from all trouble.  I will give thanks to Your Name, for it is good.   Father, thank You for hearing our prayers.  For loving us and saving us from the punishment we deserve for our sinfulness.  Thank You for changing us by the power of Your Might, delivering us from the dominion of darkness and  transferring us to the Kingdom of Your beloved Son, Christ Jesus.  May Your will be done, may Your kingdom come, and may Your Name be honored this day.  Amen.

Matthew 6
Jesus has just taught the truth about righteousness...
True righteousness lets anger go. It lets fleshly desires go. It lets unfaithfulness go.  It lets dishonesty go. It lets pride go.  It lets vengeance go.   It relies totally on being a son of the Father who is in heaven.  Imitating Him Who is perfect.  Perfect in holiness.  Perfect in love.

This righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, for they know nothing about it.
They "practiced" their "righteousness" to be noticed.
They sounded a trumpet when they were giving alms, so that they would be noticed. ( v2)
They stood on the street corner or in the synagogue to pray loudly, so they would be seen. (v5)
They put on gloomy faces and neglected their appearance when fasting, so everyone would know that they were fasting. (v16)
They gathered wealth and prided themselves over their treasures, thinking this proved God's favor. (v19)

True righteousness, that which we receive from God, doesn't act in these ways.
Giving to those in need is done privately, without fanfare. The Father sees that and is pleased.
Prayer is personal and private, between you and the Father.  Not just words repeated over and over, but real conversation, focused on what is vital to a life in Christ, to true righteousness in relationship with the Father in heaven.
Fasting is a private, personal commitment between you and the Father as you seek Him for a particular need or request.
Seeking spiritual treasure is much more important than earthly treasure, for it is eternal. This is what God really favors.

One life seeks the attention of men and receives their reward from men.
One life seeks the Lord and will be rewarded eternally.
One serves "mammon" - riches.  One serves God.
Jesus calls the first group - hypocrites- play actors.  He calls us to be real.  He calls us to "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness;"  and let Him provide all that we need.
For "your Father knows what you need, before you ask Him" ( v8)
Prayer is not a grocery list of what we think we need.  It is entering into communion with the Father.
Using what we call the Lord's Prayer will help us learn how to do that His way. 
More on that tomorrow.

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