Monday, February 10, 2014

Psalm 50 "The Mighty One, God the Lord, has spoken, " ( v1)
"May our God come and not keep silence..." (v3)
"Hear, O My people, and I will speak..." ( v7)

God summons: the earth ( v1) and the heavens ( v4).  He summons all creation " to judge his people."
"God Himself is judge."  and "the heavens declare his righteousness".   God, the righteous judge is not impressed with the sacrifices and burnt offerings of His people.  He doesn't need goats or bulls.
In fact, "every beast of the forest is Mine, the cattle on a thousand hills, and everything that moves in the field is Mine.... the word is Mine and all it contains."  His judgements are not based on how many sacrifices we have offered.  His standards are much higher!
Those who will be saved, rescued, redeemed, and reckoned righteous are those who:
"Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving."
Who pay their vows "to the Most High"
Who call on Him in times of trouble.
Who honor Him with sacrifices of thanksgiving.
Who set their "way aright". 

Those who doe not do these things, the wicked, who will be reproved:
Misuse God's Word.
Hate discipline.
Ignore His Word.
Honor thieves and adulterers .
Speak evil.
Slander their own brothers.

God reveals to us here what really matters... what  His WILL is for us:
He wants us to know that He doesn't want our stuff.... He has given it all to us in the first place, and He wants us to thank Him!
He wants us to do what we have promised Him that we would do... whatever vows we have made.. do it!
He wants us to trust Him, turn to Him for every need. He is faithful. He is able. He can do anything.
He wants us to honor Him.  Honor His Word. Heed His Word.
He wants us to walk in obedience to His Word. 

Heavenly Father,  Your will be done.  In me, in my family, in our church. In this nation.   We thank You for all that You have provided. You have given us life and light .  You have provided salvation through Jesus Christ the Lord.  Thank you for daily bread and for Your Holy Word.  Thank You for the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort. Lord,  I want to fulfill all my promises to You.  I made a vow before You to love and honor my husband.  I want to keep that vow always.  I put my trust in You. I call on Your Name when I need help.  Every day.  I will honor Your Name and Your Word.  I will speak well of You.  I will obey Your Word and walk in the Truth, by the help of Your Spirit.  Every day.  Thank you for showing me Your will.  Let it be done in me. Amen.

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