Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Psalm 42 The psalmist is in despair.  He is vanquished from his home and from the holy tabernacle.  He feels like he has been run over.. one thing after another.  "Deep calls to deep"... the breakers and waves are pounding over him and he can't see the surface.
But, he doesn't give us hope in God.  Instead he reminds himself, "O, my soul"  that God is his help.
v 5 " Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence."

Don't give up!  Don't give in to despair and hopelessness! Why?  Because God is able!
v8 "The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime. And His song will be with me in the night. A prayer to the God of my life."  God, the Creator of heaven and earth, our Heavenly Father, for whom nothing is impossible - commands His lovingkindness.  Matthew Henry's commentary states, " God's conferring his favor is called his commanding of it. This intimates the freeness of it; we cannot pretend to merit it, but it is bestowed in a way of sovereignty, he gives like a king.  It intimates also the efficacy of it; he speaks his lovingkindness, and makes us to hear it; speaks and it is done."
God has not forgotten us.  He sees our hearts and knows our heartaches.  He sees the wind and the waves that are overwhelming us.  He will command His lovingkindness, His mercy, and His deliverance for us.   Like the psalmist, we must say to ourselves. "Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance."  Matthew Henry writes, ".. if God smile upon me, that will make me look pleasant, look up, look forward, look round, with pleasure."  Our God, who loves us, who has made a covenant with us - "all that He is, all that He has, is mine" - Because of who He is we can triumph over griefs and fears.  We can trust Him to help us.   This is what it means to "walk by faith and not by sight."  To remind ourselves as often as possible that God will command his lovingkindness towards us.  That He will give us joy in the morning.  That He will be our help and salvation.
Hope in Him.
Wait on Him.
Praise Him for what will happen.  Agree with the psalmist, "I shall again praise Him." Deliverance is coming!  Believe it. Count on it. Rest on Him , the rock, the God of your life.

Father,  I will trust You.  I want Your Name to be honored.  When others taunt us saying "Where is your God?"  When I wonder sometimes myself, "Why have you forgotten me?"  Help us to remember that You have not forsaken us.  You are right here, commanding Your love and mercy, speaking it into our lives. You are my God, my King, and my Father.  You never change and You know my need, our needs.  I put my hope in You.  I look to You.  I will walk by faith.  Help me to do this every moment of every day of my life.
Thank you Lord.

Matthew 12  Jesus makes 3 amazing statements in this chapter.
v6 "But I say to you, that something greater than the temple is here."
v41 ".. behold something greater than Jonah is here."
v42 " .. and behold something greater than Solomon is here."
Here He declares, " For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
He is greater than religion.  He is greater than miraculous signs,  He is greater than any king.
Jesus came as the chosen servant, the beloved of God, to bring the Kingdom of God to earth.

The Jewish leaders valued the temple and their traditions more than anything else.  But even they would make exceptions to their rules.. when it suited them.  They had more compassion for their animals than they did for hurting, hungry,  needy men.  Jesus set them straight.  " Of how much more value then is a man than a sheep?"
In the Kingdom of God, people are valued. 
Wow, we see in our world this same need for the Kingdom!  Animal rights activists get all upset about the treatment of a pet, but turn around and endorse abortion of precious babies!  Our society values "equal rights" for everyone, except for the Christian who wants to practice righteousness.
So thankful that Jesus is still Lord of the Sabbath.  He is greater than any other! So thankful that the Kingdom of God has come!  Expand Your Kingdom here Lord Jesus! Let Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven.

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