Friday, February 14, 2014

Psalm 47  We are told to clap our hands and shout to God.  The idea is to make a loud noise, clanging cymbals together,  singing, blowing a trumpet!  Sounds pretty charismatic, doesn't it?  But, our God is worthy of exuberant praise!
v 2 He is the "Lord Most High"  and is to be feared.
He is "a great King over all the earth"
He subdues people.
He subdues nations.
He chooses to give an inheritance to His people.
He loves His people.
He reigns over nations.
He sits on His holy throne.
The shields of the earth are His.
He is exalted above all things and all people and all nations.

" Sing praises to God, sing praises; Sing praises to our King, sing praises; For God is the King of all the earth; Sing praises with a skillful psalm;"
Our God reigns!  Think what that really means.  This world, with all its chaos, with wars and terrorism,  with cultural battles and ethnic cleansing.... He reigns.  Whom shall we fear?  Only the Lord Most High.  He is King and He is Judge. We can trust in His unfailing love and righteousness.
He has not left His throne.  Praise Him.  Sing praises to Him. Remember that He is God and King.

O Father in Heaven, thank You for reminding me of Who You are! You reign.  Even when the world around us is swept us in sinfulness and shame.... You have not changed.  You subdue people and nations.  Subdue the voice of those who are exalting their sinfulness.  Subdue the ones who are glorifying evil.  Subdue the voice of the enemy and his lies.  Let us rise up and make a loud and joyful noise of praise and worship to You, the Lord Most High!  You are our King, the King of all the earth!  We praise You!
"Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.  Praise Him all people here below!  Praise Him above ye heavenly host!  Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!  Amen"

Matthew 9
Matthew tells his own story of meeting Jesus.  Matthew was a tax man.  He was at work.  He was not a popular fellow.  But when Jesus came by He said to Matthew "Follow Me".  And Matthew did.
The next thing that he knew, they were at his house having dinner, in the middle of a culture war!
Tax-gatherers and sinners flocked to Matthew's house to meet the One Who dared to call a taxman into discipleship!  But also the Pharisees gathered to look down and condemn Jesus for eating with such men.  Jesus has the perfect answer!  "It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means, 'I desire compassion and not sacrifice for I did 
not come to call the righteous but sinners.'" ( v12-13)

Jesus, who is it that You would call today?  A tax gatherer was the least likely man that they thought you would choose.  You surprised and disturbed the religious leaders.  You surprise us all the time by choosing us,  the sinners, the sick, the unpopular,  to come and follow You.  Thank you for Your great compassion!  May we also have hearts of compassion for those who are lost and need You.  Use us to share Your Words with them today, that they too will follow You.

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