Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Matthew 8  Jesus finishes His teaching from the mount and the people are amazed.  He has taught "as one having authority", they say.   Now, He reveals that authority again by doing miraculous works.

First,  Jesus is approached by a leper. "Lord, if you are willing, You can make me clean."  Not a question, not a request, but a statement of faith.  Jesus' response is especially precious to us: "He stretched out His hand and touched him, saying 'I am willing; be cleansed'". 

Next, Jesus is approached by a soldier, a centurion, who also addresses Jesus as Lord.  His need is stated, "Lord, my servant is lying paralyzed at home, suffering great pain."  When Jesus offers to come and heal the servant, the centurion humbly confesses his unworthiness to have Jesus enter his house.  Jesus commends the man's faith and heals the servant.

Thirdly,  Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law.  He enters the home, sees the need, touches her and she is healed.  The whole evening is then spent healing all who are brought to Him and casting out spirits of those who were demon-possessed.

After this, Jesus leaves to cross the sea of Galilee.  As He falls asleep a storm comes.  The disciples panic and awake Him.  Jesus "rebuked the winds and the sea; and it became perfectly calm."

The final miracle recorded in this chapter is the casting out of demons from the men in Gadarenes.  Before He speaks the demons are cowering.  All Jesus said to them was "begone!"

Jesus reveals His authority over uncleanness, over pain, over disease, over nature, and over evil. 
He shows compassion to a man considered untouchable, by touching him. 
He shows compassion to a Roman soldier's servant.
He shows compassion to His friend's family.
He shows His power over heaven and earth. 
He shows His power and authority over all evil. 

This is the Jesus we worship and obey.  This is Jesus, Whom we can trust with every problem.  This is our Lord, our Master, Whom we serve with all of our heart and strength, for He is worthy.
In verses 19-23 there are several who said they wanted to follow Jesus, but they were unwilling to go all the way.  One wanted to follow Jesus to a place. "wherever You go".  But Jesus, wants us to follow without knowing where we are going.  One wanted to bury his father.  But Jesus, wants us to follow Him even if it means leaving our family behind.  When Jesus got in the boat, His disciples followed Him.  They followed Him into a storm and found out that He was greater than the storm.  It is worth it to follow Jesus no matter what we must leave behind.

Jesus, Son of God ,  You are greater than sin, pain, death, disease, evil, and all things in this creation.
You are Mighty to save.  As we follow You we know that we will encounter many of these same problems and we are thankful to know that You are the same, yesterday, today, and forever.
Sometimes I forget that You are as near to us as You were to the leper.  We can come and state our faith in You and You are willing to heal us.  You are as near to us as You were to the centurion  and we can also tell you of our friends in need and You will heal them.  You are as near to us as You were to Peter's mother-in-law, and You can touch our family too.   You still have all authority over storms.  You still have all authority over the evil spirits.  You are King and ruler over all the heaven and earth.
You are worthy of all our praise and worship.  We give You thanks for making Your greatness known to us personally.  We are in Your kingdom, we acknowledge Your power and glory!

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