Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Psalm 49  Only You can redeem us, O Lord.  Only You can pay the price for our redemption.   Men boast in their accomplishments, in their wealth, in their power.  But they perish.  They die and take nothing with them.  It doesn't matter how much wealth we have.  It doesn't matter how great we think we are.  None of the world's standards of greatness or goodness matter.  All that does matter is You.
Only You can redeem us.  Only You can save us.   Thank You for the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. O what a marvelous truth!  Jesus came to redeem lost souls!  Praise God!

Matthew 9
Jesus taught with authority.  He proved His authority over disease, demons, and nature.  Now Jesus proves that He has the authority to forgive sins.   Authority - ability, privilege, capacity, freedom, right, strength, control.  Jesus is revealing to us that He is God.  He has the jurisdiction and right to forgive the offenses against Himself and His Father in Heaven.
He commands the paralytic to rise and walk.  The man does exactly that, but he goes home with so much more! For his sins are forgiven and he has been made whole both inside and out.
"But when the multitudes saw this they were filled with awe, and glorified God, who had given such authority to men."

Do we praise and glorify You, Father, even as these people did?  Do we understand the greatness of this Truth? Jesus came to redeem us from our sins!  Hallelujah!  Thank You Lord.
Wash over us anew with the reality of Your grace and mercy.  Only You could rescue us and You did.
Marvelous Grace of our loving Lord... Grace that is greater than all my sin.
I am in awe of You too.

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