Monday, February 17, 2014

Matthew 9
Jesus does 4 amazing miracles that are recorded, plus many more that are not specified.  He is living out His command to the Pharisees - proving that God is all about compassion. 
1. He heals a suffering woman who touches the fringe on his cloak.
2. He raises the synagogue official's daughter from the dead.
3. He gives sight to 2 believing blind men.
4. He casts out a demon from a dumb man who then can speak.
Then He goes from city to city, village to village, teaching , proclaiming the good news, and healing.

It is interesting that often, but not always, Jesus connects a person's faith to their healing.
Matt. 8:13 - He tells the centurion, "let it be done to you as you have believed."
But in v14 He simply touches the woman's hand.
To the paralytic, for whom he forgives sin and heals, their is no mention of faith. Although he had to act in faith by rising up and walking away.
In 9:22 Jesus tells the woman, "Daughter, take courage; your faith has made you well."
But to the officials daughter, he says nothing,  just taking her hand.
In 9:28 He questions the 2 blind men, "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" and then, "Be it done to you according to your faith."
The dumb man with the demon was brought to Jesus and healed.  His faith is not questioned or mentioned.  ( v32-33)

What if the centurion didn't have real faith, would the servant have remained paralyzed?
What if the paralytic hadn't gotten up and walked, would he have remained unforgiven?
What if the blind men had not really believed?  Would they have remained blind?
Yes. Probably so.
If the woman had not dared to reach out and touch the fringe on Jesus' cloak, she would not have been healed.
If the people who brought the dumb, demon-possessed man to Jesus had not done so, he would never have spoken a word.

If we do not reach out to Jesus for ourselves or bring others to Him.... then no healing will occur.
When we come to Him in faith, believing He is able to heal, and that He is willing to heal... only then will He make us well.

Jesus, You are able!  You are willing!  You have compassion on us as You had for the people who were "distressed and downcast like sheep without a shepherd".   We do beseech You, Heavenly Father, Lord of the harvest, send out workers into Your harvest.  Come and heal us.  Bring forgiveness of sins and healing of broken hearts and lives.  Let Your kingdom come and Your will be done.  O may our faith be real!  May we dare to touch you.  May we know the Your touch as You take us by the hand and raise us up.   Savior, like a shepherd lead us. Much we need Thy tenderest care... Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus. Thou has bought us, Thine we are. Thou hast loved us, love us still.

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