Thursday, June 27, 2013

Psalm 124  The Lord is on our side! "Our help is in the Name of The Lord, Who made heaven and earth."   Look Who comes along side of us to help.. The Lord, the Creator God, Who made everything from nothing.  The One Who is Sovereign, Ruler of all creation.  The God Who was and is and is to come.  The God Who is infinite. Omnipresent. Omniscient. Omnipotent.  In his book The Knowledge of the Holy Tozer prefaces his discussion of God's attributes by explaining that we only know of the attributes that God has revealed as "being true of Himself".  But, "God, being infinite, must possess attributes about which we can know nothing."  Far beyond our limited finite abilities to conceive, let alone understand.  "Only to an equal could God communicate the mystery of His Godhead; and to think of God as having an equal is to fall into intellectual absurdity." God is incomprehensible to the mind of man.  We cannot know Him except as He has revealed Himself to us.  He has chosen to do that, not by reason, Tozer says, "but to faith and love. Faith is an organ of knowledge and love an organ of experience." He came to us, He revealed Himself to us, "He reconciled us to Himself, and by faith and love we enter and lay hold of Him."

This is The Lord, who is on our side, Who is our help! Know that He is able to do all things! Know that He is good.  Know that He loves you.  Know that He hears you.  Know that He is on your side.  Know this by faith, by running to Him, and letting Him catch you. Know it by His love.
"God is gracious and merciful. Slow to anger and great in lovingkindness."  Believe it today and receive it with joy.  "Every day I will bless You, and I will praise Your Name forever and ever"

Hebrews 9 The first covenant came with the writing of the law on the tablets.  It included the tabernacle and the furnishings, the regulations for the practice of worship, and the appointment of priests to minister and to offer gifts and sacrifices.  The writer of Hebrews tells us that this was all a symbol, a foreshadowing, of the reality that Christ now revealed.   This new covenant includes a new law, written on hearts and minds, a true and perfect tabernacle, "not of this creation"; a new and perfect High Priest, Jesus, Who has entered the HOLY place once for all, having offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice.  It is His blood that does what the blood of goats and bulls could not do, "for the redemption of the transgressions that were committed".  He cleanses our conscience, He redeems our soul, He gives eternal life.  He puts "away sin by the sacrifice of Himself".   Everything else was a "copy" Hebrews tells us.  This is reality. This is completion. This is God's perfect plan, perfectly executed, and perfectly complete.  OH how great is our salvation!
There is one phrase that I must go back to though, in verse 15.  All this is given to "those who have been called".  To those whose name is called, those bidden to come to Him.  It is an invitation.  Jesus tells us in Matthew 22 that it is like the invitation that a king sent out, to attend the wedding feast of his son.  But many were unwilling to come.  Some made excuses.  Some paid no attention.  Some responded with anger and violence towards the servants who came with the invitation.  The king declares these as unworthy.  There was one who came later, but was not properly dressed.  This one was bound and thrown "into the outer darkness; in that place there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.".  Many are called, Jesus tells us, "but few are chosen."
He calls us by name. He calls us to a wonderful salvation that He fully provides. He bids us come.  But we must be willing.  We must not offer excuses, ignore His call, or come with our own inappropriate clothing ( our unrighteous self-righteousness).   We must come on His terms, by faith.
Thank you Lord for saving me.  I come to You. Complete all Your purposes in me.  Amen.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Psalm 124  Thank You Father that You are on our side!  When people rise up against us.  When they want to swallow us alive.  When their anger is burning hot, when they flood us with raging waters.  You protect us.  You break the snares and set us free.  "Our help is in the Name of The Lord, who made heaven and earth."  Blessed be The Lord!

Hebrews 8
The old covenant - the Law, was broken by Israel.   The New Covenant is kept through Christ Jesus.
The old priesthood - through Aaron, was sinful, weak, and required generation after generation;  The new Priesthood is perfect, strong, and eternal.  He sits at the right hand of God.
The old tabernacle was build by men.  The True tabernacle is the Lord's.
The old way was a copy of the Reality in Heaven.
The old is obsolete, growing old and "ready to disappear"
 "But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, by as much as He is also the mediator of a better covenant, what has been enacted on better promises." v6

This New Covenant,  this "better" - nobler, stronger; "new" - fresh;  "covenant" - contract, testament, disposition ( will or bequest).   What is it?
1. It is made by God. v10 " I will make..."  Appoint, dispose, He is the testator of the testament.  He is the disposer of the disposition.  He is the bequestor of the bequest.
2. It is enacted by God.  " I will put My laws into their minds, and I will write them upon their hearts."
It is an internal transaction initiated and completed by God.
3. It is individually transacted.  "And they shall not teach everyone his fellow citizen... for all shall know Me, from the least to the greatest of them." v11 It is a personal relationship.  It is free to any and all people.
4. It is a Covenant of Grace.  " For I will be merciful to their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.
Oh what a wonderful Word to us who believe!  Jesus paid it all.  Jesus is our perfect High Priest.  Jesus made the way for us to enter into this Covenant of God's Amazing Grace! Thank You Lord Jesus!
Blessed be Thy Holy Name!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Psalm 125 :2  As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so The Lord surrounds His people."   Jerusalem is the beautiful city, the city of David and the city of God, the place where He chose to put His Name.
It is surrounded by mountains.  Mt Moriah, where Abraham offered Isaac, where Solomon built the temple, is most prominent. On one of these mountains Jesus was transfigured.  On one He was crucified. As He walked through the streets of Jerusalem and looked up, Jesus would see the mountains that surrounded the city.  In just this way The Lord surrounds those who are His own.  "His people" - a tribe, attendants, troop, a flock, a nation.  Zechariah 2:5 says " For I, declares The Lord, will be a wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory in her midst."  Psalm 32:7 says "Thou art my hiding place; Thou dost preserve me from trouble; Thou dost surround me with songs of deliverance."   Here is safety.  Here is peace. Here is hope.  Surrounded, encompassed by The Lord God Almighty.  He is a wall of fire.  He is the singer of songs proclaiming deliverance. "I extol Thee, my God, O King; and I will bless Your Name forever and ever" Psalm 145:1   You are my Shelter, my Shepherd, my God and King.  I am Yours.   I am hiding in Thee.  Praise and glory to You, forever and ever. Amen.
Hebrews 7 gives the explanation of the Priesthood of Jesus.  The writer's text is Psalm 110, a Messianic psalm written by David.   Jesus was not from the tribe of Levi, so He was not a Priest according to the Law.  He was from the tribe of Judah, but a priest according to the order of Melchizedek.  This Melchizedek is a mysterious figure.  The only things we know about him are: He was the king of Salem, a king of righteousness and peace.  He had no known genealogy.  He had no historical record of birth or death.  Abraham honored him with a gift, a tenth of the choice spoils, a tithe.  He blessed Abraham, and "the lesser is blessed by the greater".
So this title given to Jesus, "A priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek" the writer explains is unique and glorious.
1.  "For when the priesthood is changed,of necessity there takes place a change of law also." v12
2. This priesthood requires "the power of an indestructible life" ( A priest forever)
3. The Law was weak and useless in bringing anyone into perfect righteousness, but this brings a "better hope through which we draw near to God" (v19)
4. This priesthood was initiated by an oath, "The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind"
5. So Jesus guarantees "a better covenant" (v22) He abides forever and His position is permanent.
 Because Jesus qualified for this title we have a Savior Who saves us forever.  He makes intercession for us always.  He is holy, innocent, undefiled, exalted, and perfect forever.  There is no need for daily sacrifices offered up by imperfect priests for Jesus offered Himself, the perfect sacrifice,"once for all".  What a wonderful Saviour!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Psalm 125 This psalm speaks of the actions of those who belong to The Lord.  Those who "trust" in Him, who run to Him for refuge, who are confident in Him,  who are secure in Him, who are bold in Him.  These ones can not be moved, they abide forever.  These ones are surrounded by The Lord.  These ones have a righteous King.  These ones have a God who does good.  These ones are  "upright in their hearts."
It also speaks of those who "turn aside to their crooked ways".  Their path will lead them "away with the doers of iniquity".  Iniquity (Hebrew word is aven) - to pant, to exert oneself in vain, to come to nothingness, trouble, vanity, wickedness, affliction, sorrow, unrighteous.
Two paths, two choices - we either are running to our Lord or we are running away from Him.
We are clinging to Him, resting in Him, secure in Him;  or we are falling down into a pit of destruction.  There is not a middle ground.  Where are you today?
"The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, great in lovingkindness." Ps. 145:8
"The Lord keeps all who love Him; but all the wicked He will destroy." Ps. 145:20
There is hope in Jesus, there is restoration and peace,  forgiveness and healing, salvation in Him.  Trust in Him!  Run to Him!
Jesus I come.  Jesus I am Yours. Amen
Hebrews 6
The writer leads us into a deeper, more mature discussion of salvation through Jesus Christ.  He wants to go beyond the foundational beliefs of : "repentance from dead works and of faith toward God".   Of rituals, ordinances, and basic theology.   He wants us to understand the deeper Truths about what it means to be saved.  Verses 4-5 "For in the case of those who have once been enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come."
 1.Salvation starts with the Grace of God Who "enlightens" us.  He takes the initiative.   He offers us life and hope and deliverance.
2.  We must receive His gift, receive the light, take up His offer.  The "heavenly gift" is to be received, not earned, not deserved, but freely tasted.
3. The result of this giving and receiving of God's Grace is that we are "made partakers of the Holy Spirit"  God's Holy Spirit comes to indwell and become a part of us.  We possess His Spirit.
4. We can then taste "the good Word of God" .  It is the Holy Spirit in us that enables us to receive the Word.  To taste it. To be nourished by it.
5.  We also receive "the powers of the age to come" .  God's miraculous works and acts are given to us, for good, for our benefit.
This is the unchangeable purpose of God. (v17).
This is the "hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil" (v19)
The writer urges us to not fall away, to not cause "open shame" upon Jesus, as if His crucifixion were not enough to keep us.   He urges us to "show the same diligence, so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end, that you many not be sluggish (lazy), but imitators of those who through great faith and patience inherit the promises." ( v11-12)
Hold on, He urges us! Hold on to Jesus.  Hold on to the heavenly gift! Fully receive all that He has promised, for He will surely do all that He has said.  Abraham waited many years for the promise of a son. We are encouraged to hold on to the Son for the promise of eternal Life.

This ties in with Psalm 125. 2  paths are available.  We choose.  Holding on to Jesus, filled with His Spirit, nourished by His Word, empowered by Him. Patiently waiting for the fullness of Salvation with Him eternally.   Or we fall back, fall away, become worthless ( v8).  Thorns and thistles, curse-filled living,  fuel for the fire to come.   I am reminded of the words John wrote to the 7 churches in the Revelation.  2:7 "To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which in the Paradise of God." 2:11 "He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death."  2:17 " To him who overcomes I will give him a white stone and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it." 2:26 -28 "And he who overcomes, and he who keeps My deeds until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations... and I will give him the morning star"  3:5 "He who overcomes shall thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels."  3:12 " He who overcomes

Friday, June 21, 2013

Psalm 126:4  "Restore our captivity, O Lord, As the streams in the South."  What?  The commentaries suggest that this request is actually about The Lord completing what He has begun.  The exiles are returning and the prayer is that there would be more coming.  The dried desert river bed restored to fresh flowing streams of needed water.  The dried land restored to a glorious nation.
The exiles are coming, but it is hard and trying, many tears are shed.  But a day of rejoicing is ahead when the harvest is brought in.  The nation of Israel would likewise be restored but with many tears and much work.

"He restores my soul".  He turns us back from tears and sorrow, from dryness and death.  He brings us back to fruitfulness and life and joy.  This is His gift to us who call to Him.  To the sheep of His pasture.
I have been like the "cast sheep" the one stuck in a pit with my burden weighing me down.  I can't get up with out the help of the Shepherd, the One Who restores His sheep.  One of the meanings given to this Hebrew word shuwb - restore - is "fetch home again" pull in again, rescue, retrieve.  It contains the ideas of doing anything.. feed, lodge, lie down, rejoice, send, take, weep, answer, bring....  But I really like the sweetness of being brought back home.  Carried in the arms of the Shepherd. Like the lost sheep that Jesus spoke of in the parables. Thank You Jesus, Shepherd of my soul.  I rest in You.
I love You. Keep me in Your Love.  Glory and praise and blessing to Your Holy Name!

Hebrews 5
A high priest was called by God.  He was appointed on behalf of men.  He was meant to offer gifts and sacrifices; deal gently with the ignorant and misguided; and recognize his own need for forgiveness from sins.   Christ was called to be a high priest.  He offered prayers and supplications.  He learned obedience through suffering.  He is the perfect source of eternal salvation.
The writer wants us to know this.  These are the elementary teachings. The basis for training in the discernment between good and evil. Jesus was a Priest of the order of Melchizedek.  An eternal Priest of a mysterious order.  He is God's anointed.
Someday we will understand and this mystery will make perfect sense. Oh what a day that will be!
Until then, I will follow You Jesus.  I thank You for being my holy and high Priest. Keep on offering prayers for me!  Help me to know You more and obey You always.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Psalm 126:4-6  An interesting word picture is used here.  Sowing with tears, walking to and fro weeping as seed is planted, and then reaping the harvest with joyful shouting, bringing in the harvest sheaves.  What does this have to do with the beginning of this psalm that celebrates the return from captivity?  Jeremiah 31 expands this picture from a thumbnail sketch to a broad panorama.  The people of God had gone into captivity due to their own sins and rebellion against God.  But, He promised to restore them, to once again be their God. To call them His people. " I have loved you with an everlasting love." He tells them, and "I will rebuild you." v9 -"With weeping they shall come."  Tears of regret and sorrow will turn into tears of joy and gladness.  He will save His people.  He will lead His people.  He is their Father, their Shepherd, their Redeemer. "For I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and give them joy for their sorrow." ( v13).  
 It is our God, The Lord Who is our Shepherd, that restores us, Who leads us to the green pastures and still waters. The psalmist reminded Israel that there was hope in God, always.  Though the labor is not always easy. Though there are tears to be shed.  He will give them a harvest. He will provide for their needs. Robert J. Morgan in the book The Lord is my Shepherd writes that the phrase " He  makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters" talks about perfect contentment in the provisions of the shepherd.  A sheep lays down only when full and satisfied, nourished by the green pasture. Roaring water make a sheep panic, but still waters are a source of life. Our nourishment is the Word of God, Morgan says.  The Holy Spirit is the water,the river of life.
God perfectly provides for His sheep. He meets our needs, gives us His peace, feeds our souls, pours out His Spirit. Blessed Redeemer! Mighty God!  Praise and Thanksgiving we give to You!
I exalt You!  I will bless Your Name forever and ever. Great is The Lord and highly to be praised.

Hebrews 4 Entering His rest. ( Green pastures and still waters?)
  The Israelites were not allowed to enter into the promised land, into God's rest, because of their disobedience.  They did not have faith.  To hear the good news and fail to believe, to be unpersuadeable, obstinate, rebellious, unbelieving... is to remain outside of His Rest. We are called to "be diligent to enter that rest" to "fear lest, while a promise remains of entering his rest, any one of you should seem to have come short of it." ( v1)
How can we be sure?  V 12 "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two edged sword.... able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Nothing is hidden from His sight we are told, "all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do."  In our absolute poverty and need we have only One way to enter God's rest and that is through our Great High Priest, Jesus the Son of God.  Hold fast to Him.  Our confession/profession/acknowledgement that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, that He sympathizes with our weaknesses, He intercedes for us as our high priest, and He brings us to the "throne of grace that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need."  Here we find rest!  Oh thank You Jesus!  You are my only Hope! You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  I come to the Father through You.  Thank You for being the Good Shepherd Who laid down His life for His sheep.  I come to You, into Your Rest. Into Your green pastures, beside Your still waters. Amen.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Psalm 126  " When the LORD brought back the captive ones of Zion"  At first they were confused, it felt like a dream.  They couldn't believe that it was actually happening.  But when they awoke it did not evaporate like a vision in the night. Their return to Jerusalem was real!  And they rejoiced!  Laughter and joy filled the air.  Praise to The Lord came grudgingly from their neighbors, but gladly from their own tongues.  This same joy is given to those of us who are bought out of the captivity to sin and death, into the Kingdom of Christ.  We praise Him!  "The Lord has done great things for us; We are glad." ( v3)
Remember this people of God. Sing this song every time you come into His house. Remember and rejoice anew that you have been delivered from captivity.  The Lord has rescued you and returned you to Himself.  The Lord has done great things for me.  I am glad!

Hebrews 3 The writer speaks to the "holy brethren" , the ones Jesus is not ashamed to call His brothers, for they have the same Father, He came to share flesh and blood with them, to die for them, to render the devil powerless against them, to make atonement for them.  Those who are "partakers of a heavenly calling".  They share, participate in, take of,  the invitation to brotherhood.  They take the Name that He gives them: brother, sister, family.
"consider Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest of our confession".  Consider - observe fully, behold, discover, perceive - Jesus!  He is the Apostle - the sent One, the ambassador; He is the High Priest - the chief of priests, the holiest of those called to be holy.
What are we to observe?
"He was faithful to Him Who appointed Him." (v2)
"He has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses" ( v3)
"but Christ was faithful as a Son over His house whose house we are" (v6)

We are "partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end" ( v14)
The nation of Israel hardened their hearts against God.  They tested Him. They went astray.  They provoked Him, irritated Him, exasperated Him - with sin, with disobedience, and with unbelief.
Therefore they could not enter His rest.
We are called to hold fast to Christ, "lest there should be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart, in falling away from the living God."  Our hearts can be hardened too, "by the deceitfulness of sin."
So we must listen to His voice and not harden our hearts.  Hold fast - remember and hang on to - the beginning of our assurance - the support and confidence we have in Him - until the end. A steadfast, stable, sure faith in Christ alone.  He is faithful to the Father, faithful to us, His house, and worthy of all glory and praise.  Observe Him. Discover Him. Partake of Him.  Hold firm in Him.  Amen.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Psalm 127: 3-5  Children:  A gift from the Lord.  A reward.  A weapon?  A blessing. A source of courage and pride.  This psalm pronounces all these things.  My child, the "fruit" of my womb, is certainly a gift to me.  There is a deep love for and profound joy in one's child,  watching him or her grow, mature, love. My daughter is beautiful inside and out.   But is she like "an arrow in the hand of a warrior"? That is what it says here.  She is a strong woman, a good mother to her boys, a successful business woman.  But, an arrow?  What does that mean? The Bible Knowledge Commentary states that "Sons help defend the family.." In times of danger from without. Outside enemies. And also in civil matters " in the gate". From within the nation/city.  
There will come a time when we must depend upon our children to care for us, in one way or another.  We all get older and more defenseless on our own and need someone to come along and help.  Children are a gift and a blessing for such times.  It is another way that The Lord provides for His own. Thank you Jesus! Thank you for not only my daughter but for 3 (step) sons you have also gifted me with through marriage.  These are a blessing and a source of pride and encouragement.  Bless them with the children of their youth also.  Bless their children's children! Be glorified in each of their lives. Give them strong faith, pure hearts, and deep love in Christ Jesus.  amen.

Hebrews 2
Jesus: The provider of "so great a salvation"!
The Law was and is unalterable. "every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense."
That is Truth. But we have been given a GREAT SALVATION!  Jesus!
Pay attention, take heed.. the writer of Hebrews tells us.
It was Jesus who was "made for a little while lower than the angels," ( v9) It was Jesus who "partook of the same, (flesh and blood), that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is the devil"
  It is Jesus who:
delivers from the slavery brought on by the fear of death;
helps the descendants of Abraham
in all things is made like his brethren, not ashamed to call the sanctified, his brethren.
became a merciful High Priest,
made propitiation for the sins of the people.. merciful reconciliation/ atonement
comes to the aid of the tempted.
And it is Jesus Who "Thou hast crowned Him with Glory and Honor and hast appointed Him over the works of Thy hands; Thou hast put all things in subjection under His feet."
Jesus, the Author of Salvation, tasted death for everyone, to bring many sons to glory.
Here is the Gospel spelled out once again.
Sin must be recompensed.
Death is the payment.
Satan had the power of death.
Christ Jesus broke that power by becoming one of us, dying on the cross and rising again.
He is the author of salvation, He is the deliverer, the payment, the reconciler , the merciful and perfect provision,  And all things are subject to HIM! All things were made through Him and for Him!
Crown Him with many Crowns! Honor Him with all your strength and life and with all that is in you.
He is worthy of all our praise.  He is worthy of all our allegiance.  He is worthy of all our life.  Amen.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Psalm 127  "Unless The Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it;"   Our God is the Sovereign Lord of all.   Worldly thinking leads us to think that we are masters of our own souls and makers of our own fates... but that is not truth.  We can attempt to build our own homes, marry, have children, choose our careers, etc.  But, unless we come to realize that all our own efforts are useless/vain, we can not make it stand.  Marriages fall apart, children rebel, jobs are lost, families are shipwrecked.   We NEED The Lord!  The Lord is MY Shepherd, I shall not want.  It is in the safety and shelter of our Shepherd that we find the security and peace that we desire and need.  It is God alone who provides what we need, for life, for peace, for blessing.  "For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep" ( v2).  Even our sleep is a sweet gift from His gracious Hand.  It is He "who makes us lie down in green pastures".  Our frantic efforts, our anxiety and stress, are in vain.  Jesus assures us that God knows what we need.  Seek Him and His righteousness, we are reminded. He will provide everything else.  Thank You Lord!  You are righteous in all Your ways and kind in all Your deeds. Great is The Lord and highly to be praised!

Hebrews 1
The Son
-God's Word
Appointed heir
through Whom creation was accomplished
the radiance of God's glory
the exact representation of God's nature
the upholder of all things by His word and power
the purifier of all sins
the One Who sits at the right hand of the Majesty on high
the superior of angels
the inheritor of the more excellent Name
The Begotten of the Father
the first born
the One worshipped by the angels, who are His ministers
The One Who sits on the Throne forever
The One Who has a righteous scepter
Who loves righteousness and hates lawlessness
The anointed One
The maker of heaven and earth
He Who will roll up the heaven and earth as a mantle, a garment to be changed
The One Who never changes and will never end
"The weight of the whole creation is laid upon Christ; he supports the whole and all the parts. When, upon the apostasy, the world was breaking to pieces under the wrath and curse of God, the Son of God,undertaking the work of redemption, bound it up again, and established it by his almighty power and goodness. " ( Matthew Henry's Commentary)
Past, present, and future.  He was and is and will forever be!  Praise and honor and glory to our King!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Reading John Stumbo's book, An Honest Look at a mysterious journey..  want to remember this about why we should continue to go to church even when we don't feel like it. " When I'm there, I may not like every song or agree with every word spoken. But that's not the point.  I may have wrestled with Him all week, but come the weekend I publicly present myself again to acknowledge my allegiance to Him.  Satan may have beaten me around during the week but I'm going to show up in church again and declare whose side I'm on."

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Psalm 128:3, 6  God's blessings include those who He gives us... our family.  A wife who is fruitful, children who are like "olive plants".  This is the wonderful and most precious blessing we can have.  To be a wife who is useful, profitable, helpful, faithful, a helpmate to her husband.  To partner together to raise a family, to encourage and tenderly care for the children that God gifts us with.  Then to see them sit around the table, not the old worn out kitchen table, but the table of God.  This is  my deepest desire and strongest plea.  Not just the children of physical birth, but spiritual children as well. .  Lord, grant me this blessing from Your Hand.  To be a Light to my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and to see them walk in Your ways, obedient to Your will.
Father God, cover them with the blood of Jesus, keep them from evil, and fulfill Your purposes in their lives.  I ask in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Written after the exile, this book addresses Israel's lack of true worship and relationship with God.
They doubted God's love,  they failed to honor Him or His laws, they didn't fear Him, and didn't expect Him to change anything.  They treated each other badly, they divorced their wives, married foreign wives,  and were in danger of losing every blessing that was once theirs.
God calls them back to Himself.  To His Word, to obedience, to respect and reverence of His Name and His House.  He chastises the priests for not doing what they were called to do.  He then gives them a promise to send the Messiah.  But, not for deliverance in the way they wanted or expected.  They sought Him for the physical blessings.  He was coming to refine and purify their hearts,  to make them righteous and holy. To restore the "hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers."
The evil doers and arrogant will be "set ablaze", but those who fear His Name will find true righteousness, and in His righteousness they will find that True relationship with God, as His possession.
"So you will again distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him." (3:18)
 Here again I make my supplication to The Lord, Most High.  Purify my heart, and the hearts of those You have given to me, my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Bring each to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Show mercy and grace, I ask in His Name.  Amen.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Psalm 128:2 " When you shall eat of the fruit of your hands, you will be happy and it will be well with you."   My female, American  middle aged mind wonders at this statement.  Our culture gives such mixed, emotional, guilt producing messages about food.  Don't eat this, eat that, this causes belly fat, that causes cancer. Weight gain is frowned upon, mocked,  and sometimes persecuted.... Yet, this is not God's plan at all!  Eat of the fruit of your hands. In our culture not many of us grow our own food.  We work at a job, get paid, go to the grocery store, and purchase our food.  But in the end it is still our labor that buys the "fruit".  To be happy and to be well is supposed to be the end result, when we fear The Lord and walk in His ways.  Jesus says that we should not worry about what we will eat or drink, but to  trust, "for your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things." Life is "more than food, and the body (more) than clothing."  Don't be anxious, the Shepherd tells His sheep, I care for you.  I will provide.  I will make you happy and well.  I want to come to You Lord and rest in your perfect care. To trust in Your provisions, to yield to Your will.  To be blessed, happy and well, and thankful.  Remove the anxiety of western cultural thinking and replace it with Your peace.
" Peace be upon Israel" (v6), ends this psalm.  Peace be upon America, upon you, upon me.  The Lord bless you!

Zechariah 11-14 After Israel rejects her Messiah, described in chapter 11, The Lord will break His covenant with them.   But, that is not the end of what The Lord will do!  Chapters 12-14 describe the return of the King, the salvation of Jerusalem and Judah, the reign of Jesus.. the Day of The Lord.
This warns against those who reject The Lord God and His Christ, Jesus.  It gives hope and joy to those who believe in Him and who watch for His return.  Salvation comes from His Hands, this "Lord who stretches out the heavens, lays the foundation of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him." (12:1) He will do all that He says He will, fulfilling all His promises, and punishing all who refuse to look to Him.  God always gives us the freedom to choose Him, to worship the King, to find blessing and life.  Choose to worship the One Who sits on the throne.  " To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever!"  Amen

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Psalm 128 The blessing that God gives is for "everyone who fears" Him.  Those who have a deep reverence of God.  Those who trust and obey, conforming to His will, yielding to His Spirit.  The blessing is complete.  It is past, present, and future.  We were blessed to come to know Him, blessings abound in the daily walk with Him, blessings will be multiplied in eternity with Him.   Matthew Henry's Commentary says " God blesses them, and his pronouncing them blessed makes them so."  The blessing is to anyone who fears The Lord, no matter what their status or nationality.  But the blessing is personal too.   "You will be happy and it will be well with you." ( v2b).  It is a promise we can stand on,  it is based on the grace of our Faithful God Who says it is so.   Reading the psalm in a version called "The Voice" brings a fresh wind of joy. Listen to the first verse " Those who stand in awe of the Eternal - who follow wherever he leads, committed in their hearts - experience His blessings!
I stand in awe of You, O Lord! You are my Shepherd.  You are Adonai! Creator, Sustainer, Judge, Lover of my soul. Infinite, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, and eternal God.  You are at work in me, you are my hope and stay. Bless Your Name which is highly to be praised!

Zechariah 9-10 Beautiful truths of the coming Messiah are revealed in these prophecies.  The King is coming "to you", he tells us.  "He is just and endowed with salvation, humble and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a donkey."   He comes to speak peace.  He comes to reign over all the earth.  He comes to set prisoners free.  He comes to restore and to defend His people.  He comes to save His flock. He comes to bring them back to Himself.  He comes because He has compassion on us.
"And I shall strengthen them in The Lord, and in His name they will walk, declares The Lord" 10:12
Jesus is ALL!  He is everything that was promised in these prophecies. Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of The Lord!  Hosanna! Amen,

Monday, June 10, 2013

Psalm 128  A song of blessing.  To be blessed, happy, right, straight - Hebrew "esher".   To have food to eat  and health to enjoy it ( v2);  To have a wife and children,  family who are happy and healthy; (v3); To live a life of  prosperity - "tuwb" - goodness, beauty, gladness, joy; (v5).  To live a long, peaceful life.  To live to see your grandchildren grow up.  This is what it means to be blessed of The Lord.  It is a life of simplicity - contentment- love.  Provision for needs, family, and goodness.  This is what it all comes down to, what the world craves but cannot find, what they are really lacking when they try to fill that hole with worthless substitutes.  You cannot buy contentment.  You cannot buy blessing.

The secret to such a life is found in verse 1 " How blessed is everyone who fears The Lord, who walks in His ways."  The blessing is a gift given to any who have a right relationship with Yahweh- with "I AM".  The Creator God, Almighty, Unchanging, Self-existent, Eternal , Holy One.  We who "fear" Him, who walk in His ways - trod His road, fix our course of life on Him, journey along with Him, have conversation with Him,  become His passenger on this highway of life.   To have a reverence, a rightful fear of the terribleness, the awesomeness of  the All powerful, all knowing One. A fear that breaks our prideful arrogance, that renders us, like Isaiah, stricken down, like a dead man, in His presence. This is the way to blessing.  It does not come from our efforts, our works, but from His Grace. A Gift to be received with thankful hearts.  Bless The Lord, O my soul and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name!

Zechariah 7-8  Men come to Jerusalem to ask a question about the fasts "Shall I weep in the fifth month...?"  They are back from exile and rebuilding the temple. What did God have to say about their weeping and fasting now?  Before the answer is finally given in 8:19, The Lord has something more to say to them:
First of all, when they were fasting during the 70 years of exile, "was it actually for Me that you fasted?"   Even more, did they eat and drink for themselves too?   Paul wrote that whatever it is we do, whether we eat or drink, we are to "do all to the glory of God".  The Jews were asking the wrong question. Again.
The issues that God wanted to address were issues of the heart, not issues of traditions or outward, empty, rites or religion.  "Dispense true justice, and practice kindness and compassion each to his brother;" 7:9  He tells them.  Take care of the widow, orphan, stranger, poor.  "do not devise evil in your hearts against one another." That is what caused the exile in the first place.  Evil hearts.
The remnant is coming back to Israel.  God is bringing His people back.  He is saving them, so they can be a blessing.  He has purposed to "do good".   " These are the things which you should do;"  He tells them... more reminders of what His people need in their hearts.. " speak the truth to one another; judge with truth and judgement for peace in your gates. Also let none of you devise evil in your heart against another, and do not love perjury; for all these are what I hate, declares The Lord." 8:16-17
Fasting and mourning went with repentance and exile.  God is now changing the fasts - all of them, not just the 5th month, but the 4th, 7th, and the 10th months - to celebrations!   They " will become joy, gladness, and cheerful feasts for the house of Judah; so love truth and peace."
These blessings will cause others to come to God too! They will come to seek The Lord and to ask for His favor.  Many peoples, mighty nations, will come running to God, hearing that He is with them.  What a wonderful image!
When we do all for Him, when are hearts are filled with His love, righteousness, and truth.  Not only are we blessed, but others will be drawn to Him, to seek Him and find Him also!  Fill me now Lord Jesus, with Your Spirit. Let Your Glory be seen in my life that others may desire to know You also.
Help me to do everything to the glory of God.  Thank You for Your Grace.  amen.