Friday, March 29, 2013

Psalm 141:5  " Let the righteous smite me in kindness and reprove me; It is oil to my head; Do not let my head refuse it."  David prays.   Tell me my faults and failures, but do it out of kindness and righteousness. That I might confess my sin, repent of my deeds, and return to God.  This is true love. Ps. 145: " The Lord sustains all who fall, and raises up all who are bowed down"  We do fall, we will have faults and failures, but when we do, we can trust The Lord to take hold of us and lift us up.  Ps. 37:24 " When he falls, he shall not be hurled headlong; Because The Lord is the One who holds his hand."  This is speaking of one whose steps are "established by The Lord and He delights in his way" He does not say "if" he falls, but "when" he falls. We are all in need of reproving.  May it be from kind and righteous friends who are not afraid to tell us the truth.  And may we be that kind of  friend, willing to gently come alongside and help a brother or sister recognize a fault or failure , so that they can confess their sin, and He who is faithful will forgive them and grand him righteousness.

Hosea 11-14  God speaks of Israel as His son.  A beloved son. He taught him to walk, he held him in His arms, He bent down and fed him. He wrapped in in bonds of Love.  What a beautiful image that is, of Father and son.  But Ephraim/ Israel rebelled.  They refused to return to God. They were full of lies and deceit, violance and idolatry. They were given everything, but they became proud and forgot the source of all things was God. And in their pride, their sins multiplied. In their rebellion against God, destruction and pain would overwhelm them.

God is a righteous judge and a loving Father.  He mourns the punishment that He will have to bring,
"How can I give you up, O Ephraim?  How can I surrender you, O Israel?" 11:8.  " My heart is turned over within Me,  All My compassions are kindled" 11:8b  Over and over He calls for His people to return to Him. 12:5-6 " Even The Lord, the God of hosts; The Lord is His Name.  Therefore return to your God, Observe kindness and justice; And wait for you God continually." and 14:1-2 " Return O Israel, to The Lord Your God.  For you have stumbled because of your iniquity; Take words with you and return to The Lord, Say to Him, 'Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously, That we may present thr fruit of our lips'"  
There will come a day when the people of God will be healed of their apostasy and " his beauty will be like an olive tree"  They will find mercy when they return to  Him.  " Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; Whoever is discerning let him know them.  For the ways of The Lord are right and the righteous will walk in them, but transgressors will stumble in them." 14:9  Hosea ends with this precious and solemn Truth.  Our God will save and forgive those who return to Him and call out to Him.  He loves us enough that He paid the price of our redemption Himself.   But, He will not ignore our rebellion and idolatry.  Sin and iniquity will be punished.  Judgement is certain for those who do not call on the Name of Jesus to be saved.  We have all stumbled in sin, transgressing His laws. We are all unrighteous until we receive the righteousness of Christ .  Thank You Jesus for paying the price, dying on the cross to "take away the sins of the world" .  Taking away my sins.  Oh the mighty love and grace of God! "I will extol Thee, my God, O King!  I will bless Thy name forever and ever!"  Amen!!!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

  Psalm 141  David's prayer.   v 3-4 Two requests.   First, David asks for The Lord to set a guard over his mouth; then he asks The Lord to keep his heart free from evil/ wickedness.   Oh what a prayer! To  seek the Lord's presence and to ask The Lord to take charge of what we say and what we do.  Every day this is necessary for sin creeps into our hearts and comes out of our mouths.   Matthew Henry's commentary says that this is asking that Grace keep the door of my mouth so that I speak no words that dishonor God or hurt another.  It requests that GRACE restrain and mortify every inclination to sin in my heart, so that I will not practice any evil work, no matter what others around me do.  "And do not let me eat of their delicacies" David adds.  Oh the sweet temptations of this world that would turn me away from God, I pray that God will keep them from my sight and by His grace keep me from them. "I need Thee, O, I need Thee.  Every hour I need Thee!"  I echo David's prayer for myself.

Hosea 9-10  Ephraim and Israel are punished.  They have played the harlot, forsaking The Lord.  They have offered sacrifices that do not please Him.  They have "gone deep into depravity"  " All their evil is at Gilgal; Indeed, I came to hate them there! I will drive them out of My house! I will love them no more!" v13.   He who was formed to be a fruitful vine will be fruitless, stricken, a dried up root.  "You have plowed wickedness , you have reaped injustice, You have eaten the fruit of lies; Because you have trusted in your way, in your numerous warriors." 10:13    Exile, destruction, suffering came to Israel.  Their lies and rebellion cost them dearly.  But sad to say, they are still far from God.  They still "speak mere words with worthless oaths"

Yet God says " But I will come over her fair neck with a yoke;"  He will plow with Judah and Jacob.
"Sow with a view to righteousness, Reap in accordance with kindness.  Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek The Lord until He comes to rain righteousness on you" 10:12  Brings to mind the parable that Jesus told in Matt. 13.  The sower went out to sow seed, and some fell on the side of the road, some on rocky ground, some among the thorns, and some on good ground. Fallow - idle, uncultivated ground,  untrained, inactive, unproductive. The ground needs to be prepared for sowing, the heart needs to be prepared for righteousness.  God says He will come and put His yoke on His people.  Jesus says for us to come to Him for his yoke is easy and his burden is light.  Lord, may I be a plow in Your field,  preparing the ground for the sowing of the seed of righteousness. Of Your holy Word.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Psalm 141  David seeks God's ear and His presence in verse 1.  In verse 2 he asks God to accept his prayer as "incense" and  as "the evening offering" .  David was not able to worship at the tabernacle, but he did not make that an excuse not to worship.  He did not make up his own altar or worship in any way that would go against God's commands ( which by the way was the point of Hosea 8).  David understood that worship was not about a place, but about coming before God.  This is what Jesus talks about in John 4 with the Samaritan woman - "But an hour is coming and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers" John 4:23  David worshiped God in spirit and in truth.  He humbled himself before God and lifts up his prayers as holy offerings.

Hosea 8  Israel is quite the opposite of David in the matter of worship and relationship to God.  Here, God declares that they have transgressed His covenant, rebelled against His law, rejected His good,  and ultimately "forgotten his Maker" ( v14).  Their "worship"  included idols made by craftsmen of silver and gold.  They  have "multiplied altars for sin", regarded His Words "as a strange thing", and gone through ritual sacrifices that God refused to accept.  They claimed to know God, but their actions showed that they did not know Him at all.  They set up kings and princes on their own,  they hired Assyria to try to help them, they built for themselves fortresses.  In every way they rejected God as their King, Protector, and Refuge.  "How long will they be incapable of innocence?" They would not humble themselves before God, and He judged them for it.  "For they sow the wind and they reap the whirlwind."   There would be famine - no head of grain,  there would be oppression - they would be "swallowed up" .  They would diminish.  They would be punished for their sins.

We can not forsake God or ignore His Word and think it does not matter.  God is Holy and His Word is True.  We are no longer under the Law, but we are still called to righteousness.  This is established by God, Who is our Maker.  What He calls right is right and when we don't agree we are calling Him a liar.  Very dangerous ground.  This is much on my mind today with the Supreme Court hearing the cases regarding homosexual marriage today.   No matter what excuse or reason we have, sin cannot be called anything else.  It is clearly sin.  As Paul said in Romans 3 "Rather, let God be found true , though every man be found a liar" .  God help us!
But even as I pray today for the Justices and for the lawyers presenting their cases, I know that God is not focused on what is happening in Washington DC.  He already knows what will be decided.  He knows that we are also incapable of innocence.  He knows that we need to humble ourselves before Him and pray.  His desire is for each of individually and corporately to come worship Him in spirit and in truth.  So once again I turn to David's prayer, seek God's ear and His presence and offer my prayers to Him.  Be exalted O God!  Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.  Amen.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Psalm 141 is a prayer of David.  This week I want to learn from his example and incorporate these truths into my own prayer life.  V1-2 speak to the most vital aspect of prayer.  Matthew Henry's commentary says that fervency and earnestness in prayer denote the faith and fixedness of our prayers to God.  David begs God to 1) hear him; and 2) make haste to come to him.  The desperate appeal is for God's Grace - to hear us and to come to us.  This is the foundation of true prayer.  Anything else is just useless, vain repetition.   Oh God, forgive us for making prayer anything else than this. Too often it becomes a list of desires and worries.  Change my heart O Lord.  Teach me to pray.

Hosea 7
"When I would heal Israel..."  God desires to heal, to restore, to forgive, to answer our deepest needs. But... as in David's prayer in Psalm 141, there is a need for rebuke, for sin to be uncovered and exposed so that the sinner can confess his sins and repent, to return to God.  Then God will heal and restore.  So "The iniquity of Ephraim is uncovered" :
They deal falsely.
They are thieves.
They are bandits.
They don't think that God sees or remembers their wickedness.
They lie.
They are adulterers.
They plot evil in their anger.
"None of them calls on Me" v7; "Yet they have neither returned to The Lord their God, Nor have they sought Him" v10;  " And they do not cry to Me from their heart" v14; "They turn, but not upward" v16.
Judgement is coming, sickness, fire, strangers to devour them.   v4-8  use a picture of an oven -
It is heated by the baker, who stirs up the fire v4
Their hearts are like an oven - with anger smoldering in it all night v6
All of them are like a hot oven, ready to consume the rulers and kings, v7
They are like a "cake not turned" v8
He also describes Ephraim as a "silly dove, without sense" v11
They have strayed from God and rebelled against Him and God cries out to them " I would redeem them, but they speak lies against Me"
They have every opportunity to repent, to find help in the One Who can save them.  But they refuse.

The Shepherd's voice speaks clearly, for this is Truth - our sins will be uncovered.  We either confess, agree with God that this is sin and repent, or we refuse and continue in our rebellion, calling Him a liar.  One way leads to healing and restoration.  The other leads to judgement and derision and condemnation.  All the while, God has provided the way of deliverance - Call on Him, Cry out to Him, Turn to Him - He will redeem us. This is the Gospel of Christ!  Hallelujah!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Hosea 1- 6  Sadness and disappointment spread over me as I read these words.  The wife of Hosea and the nation of Israel, both have become harlots and adulterers.  God desires the faithfulness and love of His people, but they have run to other lovers.  Useless idols receive the worship and gifts that God had blessed His people with.  Yet He promises restoration and healing, compassion will return and the people will become His people again.  Why then am I so saddened?
I can see our country going down the same wrong paths that Israel went down.  Ch. 4:1b-3 " Because there is no faithfulness or kindness or knowledge of God in the land.  There is swearing, deception, murder, stealing, and adultery.  They employ violence,  so that bloodshed follows bloodshed. Therefore the land mourns, and everyone who lives in it languishes"  V 6 " My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."  Because Israel rejected God's Word, they would lose their position as God's priest. They were multiplying their sins, they were not giving heed to The Lord, and a spirit of harlotry had led them astray. They were in deep depravity, their deeds so evil they couldn't return to God because they no longer knew Him.   Ch 5:15 " I will go away and return to My place, until they acknowledge their guilt and seek My face; In their affliction they will earnestly seek Me"
America will languish and be destroyed because of the lack of the knowledge of God and the refusal to heed His Word.  We are heading toward the same kinds of depravity that Israel was judged and chastised for.   But America does not have the promise of God for restoration.
Oh God, You are gracious and merciful. Slow to anger and great in lovingkindness. Your mercy is over all Your works.  Including this nation.  Let America acknowledge You, heed Your Word, confess our sins, and seek You earnestly.  Revive us O Lord!  Make us a nation "under God".
Chastise those of our leaders who want to lead the people into sin. Bring them to repentence I pray. In Jesus' Holy Name.  Amen

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Colossians 4  As Paul concludes the letter to Colossae he reminds them once again of the importance of prayer ( v2) .  Devotion to prayer ( devote - proskartereo - to be earnest toward, to persevere, be constantly diligent, to attend assiduously, to adhere closely, attend continually).   ( prayer - proseuche - prayer, worship, an oratory, earnest prayer, supplicate, worship) .  "keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving"  Paul asks for prayer for himself and later tells them of Epaphras's earnest laboring in prayer for them.  The emphasis of his prayer and Paul's also in chapter 1 is on their steadfastness in their faith.  " that you may stand perfect and fully assured in all the will of God" v12.
Paul prayed " for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience" 1:11 and then emphasized the point again in v23 " if indeed you continue in the faith, firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard"  In ch. 2:5  he rejoices in their stability of faith, and in v7 reminds them that they have been "rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith"

To pray for fellow believers , for each other, earnestly laboring in prayer for their steadfastness in the faith, seems like a really wonderful and needful work.  Yet, we fail to do so.  At least for me.  I pray for salvation, health, safety, blessing..... and I am learning to pray for sanctification, for the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of friends and family.  But, I see that I have often neglected to be devoted to earnest prayer that others may stand perfect and fully assured in the will of God.   That they stand firm and be made complete in Christ.  Yet this is my heart's desire for my children and grandchildren, my brother's and sisters.  Once again I ask You Lord, teach me to pray.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ps. 142  David uses his voice to to "cry out" , " make supplication" v1, "pour out my complaint", declare my trouble" v2;  "cry out" and say " Thou art my refuge" v5.; and all that to lead to v. 7 " So that I may give thanks to Thy name" .  The Lord is His hope.  That God will "deal bountifully" with him is the end result that David hopes.  In faith he lifts his voice in earnest prayer believing that God will hear and deliver him.  David does not hold back in his prayers.  He cries, complains, asks, declares, and thanks God.  In a time of trouble, when he is overwhelmed with enemies, and he is in despair, " brought very low"  God is his refuge.  He is also mine.  Oh Thank You Father that you will "deal bountifully with me" also.  I put my faith in You alone.  I cry out to You and pour out my heart to you. You are my portion. Amen

Colossians 3
In Chapter 2 Paul teaches that we must not put our focus on the outward, the elementary principles,  the rules of self-made religion.  But, to focus instead, on the things above.  On Christ, "who is our life"  This is our "new self" , the old self has been crucified with Christ, put to death.  As such we are to consider ourselves dead to " immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed"  also "anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech";  and "Do not lie to one another" .  All these are "evil practices"  of the old self.  Lust for things ( greed) is just as evil as lust for sex ( immorality, impurity, and passion) . All desires for that which is evil is idolatry.  This will bring God's wrath, not His blessing.  On top of this, Paul teaches that we must put aside : anger ( passion of the mind, abhorrence, indignation, vengeance, wrath), wrath ( fierceness,  to breathe hard and blow smoke -to slay/kill) ; malice ( badness, depravity, trouble, naughtiness, wickedness); slander ( blasphemeo - to vilify, speak impiously, defame, rail on, revile, speak evil) - abusive speech and lies.
Our new self is being renewed "to a true knowledge" - to the image of the One who created us.  Christ is all and in all.  We have been "chosen of God, holy and beloved"  So we " put on a heart of compassion( pity, mercy), kindness, ( usefulness, excellence, gentleness, goodness) , humility, gentleness, and patience" v12.  We are to bear with one another ( put up with, endure, forbear, suffer)  and to forgive one another ( grant as favor, gratuitously, in kindness,  pardon or rescue, deliver, freely give or grant grace to ) .  Following the supreme example of Christ's forgiveness to us.  And above all else the new self puts on love ( agape - affection, charity) - which brings unity.  We need the Peace of Christ to rule our hearts.  (Peace - eirene - to join, one, prosperity, quietness, rest - set at one again)  To rule our hearts( our thoughts and feelings) . And we are to be thankful.
When all we do, all we say, all we speak, and all we serve is focused in Christ, for Him, and to Him. Then we are walking in a way to receive the reward of the inheritance He has prepared for us.  That is a whole different life than trying to follow a set of rules that focus on what you eat and what day you consider holy.  And I know I can not in anyway do this on my own.  It is His Life in me that transforms me from the life that practices evil to the one that does everything in His Name.  Oh Lord, help me.  I am your child and I need your Spirit to renew me to a true knowledge "according tot he image of the One who created" me.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Psalm 142  "Thou art my Refuge"  Whenever I am overwhelmed, I run to HIm.  Sometimes I feel, well, rather guilty about having to run to Him, wondering how it is that I feel far away from Him.
But, I know He wants me to draw near again.  To believe that He loves me and that He is a Refuge that I can find peace and hope in.  So, I will say with the psamist. "Thou art MY refuge"   I am drawing near Lord, let me hear Your tender voice.

Colossians 2 Paul "struggles" for the church in Colossae and Laodicea.  For hearts that are encouraged,  for hearts knit together in love,  for full assurance of understanding, for true knowledge of God's mystery - Christ Himself.  He rejoices in the stability of faith in Christ.
They were firmly rooted in Christ - having received  Christ Jesus The Lord.
Now they are being built up in Him - to walk in Him, established in faith.  Overflowing with gratitude.
Any other teaching is vain and deceptive.  For in Christ " all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge"  are hidden,  In Him, " all the fulness of Deity dwells in bodily form"  In Him, we are " made complete and He is the head over all rule and authority"
Paul " tells of His greatness"
In Him, we are circumcised - "the removal of the body of flesh"  We were dead in transgressions, which He has forgiven.  v11, 13
In Him, we are buried - in baptism,  He cancelled out our debt, He nailed it to the cross. v 12,14
In Him, we are raised, through faith"in the working of God who raised Him from the dead"
We are made alive together with Him! v13
Paul instructs the church to hold fast to Christ and to not allow man-made rules and religion to become the rule over us.  Self-abasement, self-made religions, commandments and teachings of men, are not what saves.  He alone is the Savior.  Hold fast to Him.
" Into the love of Jesus, deeper and deeper I go; Praising the One who brought me out of my sin and woe' And through eternal ages, gratefully I shall sing; Oh , how He loved! Oh, how He Loved! Jesus, my Lord and my King"
Oh the old, old story, is the one I need to hear and to tell.  Thank You Jesus!

Friday, March 15, 2013

 Colossians 1-2   David prayed in Psalm 143 " I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Thy doings; I muse at the work of Thy hands."  And in Psalm 145 he says " On the glorious splendor of Thy majesty, And on thy wonderful works, I will meditate"   Paul, in this letter to the church of Colossae, gives us much to meditate on regarding the works of God in Christ Jesus.
" The grace of God in truth"  " the word of truth, the gospel"  is the  " riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, whis Christ in you, the hope of glory"
v 13 - "For He delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son"   Meditate on this!
v14 " in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins"  Meditate on this!
v15 " He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation"
By Him all things were created, in heaven and on the earth, ALL things were created by Him and For Him.
He is before all things.
He holds together all things.
He is the beginning.
The head of the church, the firstborn of the resurrected.
He has first place in everything.
"For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fulness to dwell in Him"
Through Him all things are reconciled to Himself.  "He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach." v22 Meditate on this!!!!
This is Paul's ministry. This is God's heart! This is the glorious splendor of His majesty and His wonderful , awesome, mighty acts that we are to speak about, declare, utter, shout, and bless God for every day. ( Psalm 145)   Lord Jesus, thank You!  Heavenly Father, bless Your Name!  Your lovingkindness is GREAT!  You are gracious and merciful and highly to be praised.  Amen!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

David cries out to The Lord for help in a time of utter weakness. ( Psalm 143)  " Answer me quickly, O Lord, my spirit fails"   A prayer of desperation for God's presence and help. To seek God's loving kindness. We fail to realize our own weaknesses and desperate need for the Lord's Presence and  help every day.  " My soul longs for Thee, as a parched land" .  We live in a parched and weary land also.  Do we have such a longing for God's presence as David did?  If not then we don't realize how weak and desperate we really are.  The Imitation of Christ " In truth thou art a sinner; thou art subject to and encumbered with many passions. Of thyself thou always tendest to nothing; speedily thou cast down, speedily overcome, speedily disordered, speedily dissolved. Thou has nothing whereof thou canst glory, but many things for which thou oughtest to account thyself vile; for thou art much weaker than thou art able to comprehend."  We worry about so many things of the world that are of no consequence, but fail to take seriously the things of God.  O Lord, I need Your Presence and help in my life. My soul longs for You!

Daniel 9-12
Daniel studies the books and comes upon the prophecies of Jeremiah.  He observes that the completion of Jerusalem's desolation was 70 years.  So he begins praying and seeking God.  He prays a mighty prayer of confession and repentance for the nation of Israel.  While he is praying Gabriel comes to speak with him. He explains to Daniel that Jerusalem will be rebuilt and restored and that the Messiah would come.  But then the Messiah would be cut off.
Chapter 10 skips to the 3rd year of Cyrus's reign, and Daniel is once again praying.  He mourned for 3 weeks we are told. Then he receives his final vision.  It is so intense that all of Daniel's strength is taken away and he can't even stand up. This vision is very detailed and explains all that will happen in the time of the end. There is much that will happen that is frightening and confusing.  But in the end Daniel is told that he will" enter into rest and rise again for your alloted portion at the end of the age."  The most important thing we need to understand through these prophecies is found in Dan. 12:2-3 " And many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt. And those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever."   Oh how vital it is that our name is found  written in the book.   In Daniel's first vision ( Dan. 7:10)  he sees the Ancient of Days take His seat on the throne and the books were opened.  "Thousands upon thousands were attending to Him, And myriads upon myriads were standing before Him".  I want to be one who serves Him and not one who awaits judgement.  Thank you Jesus for being my Saviour and Lord.  May I walk always in Your ways and be found in You, complete and righteous before the Ancient of Days.  Amen.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Apart from God we are nothing. Thomas a` Kempis writes " Yet do remember, O Lord, that I am nothing, have nothing, and can do nothing." Only God is good, just, holy, able to do anything.  By His grace and mercy he fills our hearts so that we will not be "void and in vain" works of His Hand.
It is in His visitation, His presence that we are taught to do His will, to walk worthily and humbly in His sight.  This reflects David's prayer in Psalm 143. David confesses that he has been crushed and overwhelmed.  He knows his own unrighteousness, that he cannot stand before the Judgement.  No one can. He is nothing, has nothing, and can do nothing.   But, he calls out to The Lord God and stretches out his hands to Him Who is faithful and merciful. "For the sake of Thy name, O Lord, revive me.  In Thy righteousness bring by soul out of trouble."  Praise God, Who does not leave us empty, but fills us with Himself, teaches us to do His will and gives us His Holy Spirit to lead us on level ground,  for His Sake. For the sake of His Name.

Daniel 7 is the telling of Daniel's first vision.  It happened in the days of Belshazzar, so before the reign of Darius and the lion's den experience.  Daniel is laying on his bed when this dream/vision comes to him. He sees 4 beasts come out of the ocean. Each one unique. 1) a lion with wings, whose wings are clipped and then he is transformed into a man. 2) a bear with ribs in his mouth, who devours much meat. 3) A leopard with 4 wings and 4 heads. 4) A dreadful beast, terrifying, extremely strong, with iron teeth, who crushes and devours and tramples all others.  This beast has 10 horns, but a new horn emerges and 3 horns are lost. The new horn is boastful.  In the vision, Daniel sees the Ancient of Days come and take His seat on the throne. There are thousands attending Him and myriads of myriads standing before Him. "The court sat,and the books were opened." v10.   The first action was the destruction of the beast in the river of burning fire that was before The Lord.
Then came " One like a Son of Man" . He was presented before the Ancient of Days and was given dominion, glory, and a kingdom which is everlasting!  "That all the peoples, nations, and men of every language might serve Him."   Daniel is distressed by this vision.  It is alarming to him, even after he is given the interpretation.  Daniel seems most  concerned about the 4th beast, representing the 4th kingdom, different than all the others.  This beast speaks out against the Most High, wears down the saints, and intends to " make alterations in times and in law;"  He is given dominion for a period of time.  "BUT the court will sit for judgement, and his dominion will be taken away, annihilated and destroyed forever" Then the saints will be given the kingdom that will be everlasting.
What a day that will be!  Why did Daniel not rejoice?  Why so alarmed? Daniel knew the dream given Nebuchadnezzar.  What was so different about this one that it made him tremble?
In Daniel 8, another vision is related, 2 years after the 1st one. This one actually makes Daniel" sick for days"  He is so astounded and overwhelmed by this because none could explain it. Daniel, having experience so much in his life, cannot understand this vision and is exhausted and sickened by it.  What will we do if these things come to pass in our times? Call upon the Name of the LOrd and be saved! Thank God for the Prince of Peace who reigns forever and ever!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Psalm 143 - David prays.   He asks God to hear his supplications, his entreaties.  His humble requests include:
  release from judgement ( v2-3);
 relief from his  enemy ( v. 3-4) ;
 Renewed fellowship ( v. 5-7);
Direction and teaching ( v 8,10) ;
Revival of soul and body ( v11-12)

In Daniel 6 we find that Daniel has become an official in the government of Darius.  Other leaders are jealous of Daniel's advancements and plot to destroy him.  They can find no fault in him regarding his job, so they target his  prayer life.  A law is brought to Darius, who signs it without realizing the implications.  No one can pray to anyone except to him, the king, for 30 days.  But Daniel ignores this law and continues his practice of praying 3 times of day before God.  Darius has no choice but to throw Daniel into the lion's den,although he "kept exerting himself to rescue him".
Darius fasts and doesn't sleep that night.  He goes to the lion's den and calls out to Daniel and finds him still alive! God sent his angel to shut the lions' mouths.  But when Darius has the accusers and their families thrown into the den,they don't even reach the bottom before they are crushed to death.
This is enough for Darius to decree that all should fear and tremble before the God of Daniel.  The Living God Who endures forever, Whose Kingdom is everlasting, Who delivers and rescues.

The Shepherd speaks.
David's prayer and Daniel's prayer life are both examples for us.  Daniel 6:10-11 tells us that he kneels 3 times a day, every day.  That he gives thanks, makes petitions and supplications before God. We are not told the content of these prayers, but it is evident in Daniel's life that God honored Daniel's prayers.  V. 3 tells us that even the pagans realized that Daniel "possessed an extraordinary spirit" .  Also " they could find no evidence of corruption, inasmuch as he was faithful and no negligence or corruption was found in him"  The king, Darius, testifies that Daniel served God constantly.  He calls him "Daniel, servant of the living God"  Daniel was thought to be in his 80s at this time.  Yet he was was known for his integrity and faithfulness to the Living God.  Daniel's prayer life had a lot to do with this.
David's prayer life is also significant.  Many of the psalms he wrote are prayers. In Ps. 143 there are specific requests, Ps. 145 is full of praises.  I think Daniel might have prayed David's prayer in 143,
Answer me quickly O Lord, my spirit fails; Do not hide Thy face from me, Lest I become like those who go down to the pit.  Let me hear Thy lovingkindness in the morning; For I trust in Thee;"
Father, like David I pray " Teach me the way in which I should walk; For to Thee I lift up my soul"
"Teach me to do Thy will, For Thou are my God"
From The Imitation of Christ " For a small income a long journey is undertaken; for everlasting life many will scarce once lift a foot from the ground."  and  " But Alas!  for an unchangeable good, for an inestimable reward, for the highest honor,and glory without end, they grudge even the least fatigue."  We are willing to work hard and sacrifice so much for temporary and tiny profit.  But we fail to give our energy and time to Christ , which bears eternal fruit.  Forgive me Lord God.  Change me now! Amen.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Nebuchadnezzar blesses the name of the Most High God ( Dan. 4)  " How great are His signs, And how mighty are His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, And His dominion is from generation to generation. " v. 3.   Then he relates the experience he had when, at the height of his rule he gloried in his own accomplishments, and was turned into an animal for 7 years.  He was given a warning that this was going to happen.  He was given opportunity to repent and avoid the judgement. But, it happened just as he was told.  He looked at his kingdom, claimed it as his, for his power and his glory, and it was all taken away from him.  Just like he had been told.
When Nebuchadnezzar's 7 years had passed, he again looked up.  But this time he recognized that all belonged to God.  He blessed and praised the Most High God. Graciously God gave Nebuchadnezzar back his rule. And that is the last we hear of him.
3 times in this chapter the writer repeats " In order that the living may know That the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind, and bestows it on whom He wishes." v17, 25, and 32.  Nebuchadnezzar appears to learn this lesson.  Do we?

Do we act in accord with this Truth?  God, the Most High "does according to His will in the host of heaven And among the inhabitants of earth. and no one can ward off his hand or say to Him, what hast Thou done?"

Interesting side note.  The Chaldean word interpreted Most High is 'illay'  meaning supreme.  It comes from the root word "alah" to ascend, be high, excel, arise.    I don't know if this is where the  Muslim term Allah comes from, but it seems likely.

There seems to me so many more rulers and governments and yes, just regular people who could use a dose of reality like what was given to Nebuchadnezzar.  Why was he singled out for this unique experience?  Even Solomon could have used a lesson on this in his later years.  What about Manasseh and King Ahab?  They were out of control.  Yet, God did not send them into the fields to eat grass.
But then again who can say to God "what have You done?" ( or not done?)   The Most High God does as He chooses.  He has everlasting dominion!  His Kingdom endures. Bless the Name of The Lord, the Most High God!  With Nebuchadnezzar I will " praise, exalt,and honor the King of heaven, for all His works are true and His ways just, and He is able to humble those who walk in pride." v 37

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"What is man that Thou dost take knowledge of him? Or the son of man that Thou dost think of him?"  Psalm 144:3
Daniel 3 is the story of Nebuchadnezzar's gold statue.  Perhaps inspired by his dream and Daniel's interpretation that he was the golden head, Nebuchadnezzar builds a huge golden statue and demands that everyone bow before it and worship it. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, staying faithful to God, refuse to serve any other god or to worship the golden image.  Nebuchadnezzar has forgotten the lesson of Who God is and gets so angry at their refusal that he commands the furnace to be 7 times hotter than usual.  "What god is there who can deliver you out of my hand?" he asks the 3.  He is fixing to find out! Wrapped up in their own clothes, the three are cast into the furnace.  It is so hot that the valiant warriors who throw them in are killed by the heat.  Yet the 3 were left untouched by the heat or the flame.  In fact Nebuchadnezzar, himself, sees them walking around and another with them.  Astounded, he calls them out, knowing now that they are "servants of the Most High God"
Nebuchadnezzar praises The Lord.  " Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, who has sent his angel and delivered His servants who put their trust in Him, violating the king's command and yielded up their bodies so as not to serve or worship any god except their own God" v28.  There is no other god... is the answer to the question he asked in verse 3.  "there is no other god who is able to deliver in this way"  Nebuchadnezzar is learning Who God is.
The Shepherd is speaking to me today about being willing to "yield up" my own body.   In John Piper's book 50 Reasons Why Jesus came to Die chapter 33 I read this morning that we are to make His Cross the ground for all our boasting. That we recognize that every good thing and that even every bad thing that God turns for good - was obtained for us by the cross of Christ.  Everything we enjoy, as people of Christ, is owing to His death.  His suffering absorbed  our judgement. His blood bought our forgiveness., " We are not as Christ-centered and cross-cherishing as we should be, because we do not ponder the truth that everything good, and everything bad that God turns for the good, was purchased by the sufferings of Christ."  We must know that when Christ died on the cross, we died also. When we put our trust in Him we die to the world and it dies to us. We are a new creation, and as such Christ is everything.  We are made new.  And this new self is "Christ living in me"  He is present, He is helping me, He is imparting life to me. He is strengthening me to do what He is calling me to do.  My new self is " Christ-inhabited, Christ-sustained, and Christ-strengthened" It is His work.  My part is to trust Him moment by moment.
Then in Thomas a` Kempis's book The Imitation of Christ  I came to the chapter entitled " Of the Royal Way of the Holy Cross" all about denying yourself and taking up your cross.  It may seem a hard thing but , he points out, it will be much harder to hear the sentence of eternal damnation at the judgement seat.  " In the cross is salvation, in the cross is life, in the cross is protection against our enemies, in the cross is infusion of heavenly sweetness, in the cross is strength of mind, in the cross joy of spirit, in the cross the height of virtue, in the cross the perfecion of sanctity. There is no salvation of the soul, nor hope of everlasting life, but in the cross"  We will suffer, either pain in the body or tribulation in the soul.  We will feel at times forsaken by God.  We will be troubled by others.  We will even be wearied by ourselves.  "God will have thee learn to suffer tribulation without comfort; and that thou subject thyself wholly to Him, by tribulation become more humble." We can not escape the cross. We bear it willingly or unwillingly.  Christ suffered.  "And dost thou seek any other way than this royal way, which is the way of the holy cross? Christ's whole life was a cross and martyrdom: and dost thou seek rest and joy for thyself?"  Instead, we need to be willing to drink from His cup.  " O that thou wert worthy to suffer something for the Name of Jesus. How great glory would remain unto thyself; what joy would arise to all God's saints; how great edification also to thy neighbor!"  and again " Nothing is more acceptable to God, nothing more wholesome to thee in this world, than that thou suffer cheerfully for Christ"  "For our worthiness and the growth of our spiritual estate consisteth not in many sweetnesses and comforts; but rather in the patient enduring of great afflictions and tribulations."

 I must confess that I do not prefer tribulations to comfort. It is indeed a hard word, impossible without the Presence of Christ in me. But I do desire to boast only in the Cross of Christ. To be like  the 3 who yielded their bodies so as to not serve any other god, but The Most High God. To suffer instead of

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

"How blessed are the people whose God is The Lord" Ps. 144:15b   We are blessed because our God provides all that we need not only for life but for eternity. David does not hesitate to pray for God's protection from false friendships, but also for prosperity for his people.  We tend to not ask for great material blessings, feeling selfish to want that, but David is matter of fact in his requests before the Only ONe who can bless Israel.  He asks for deliverance from enemies. Success for his sons and daughters. Good crops, flocks, and herds.  And "let there be no outcry in our streets" Peace from without and from within the nation. This is a prayer very much needed in our nation today.  Oh may we be a nation who calls God our Lord!  May we be rescued from the falsehoods of nations who offer their right hands but are speaking lies.  May our sons grow up to be mature and fruitful.  May our daughters be royal, beautiful pillars of purity.  May our farmers have abundant crops and produce healthy herds and flocks.  And may there be no outcry in our streets. May we turn back to God and be His people, blessed by His Presence and Power.  " The Lord is gracious and merciful. Slow to anger and great in lovingkindness. The Lord is good to all and His mercies are over all His works." Ps. 145:8-9

Daniel 2.
Nebuchadnezzar has a disturbing dream.  He calls the wise men to come and asks them to not only interpret the dream but to tell him what he dreamed.  An impossible feat for any man, no matter how wise or powerful.  How do you tell someone what they dreamed?  But Daniel goes to God, who does know what we dream! And God reveals to Daniel the dream and its interpretation. Daniel's actions save the lives of all the wise men, conjurers, and magicians.  ( Interesting that Daniel doesn't let them be killed, something that would remove the false, perhaps even demonic influence from Babylon)
Moreover, he introduces Nebuchadnezzar to the "God in heaven who reveals mysteries."  ( Here is an attribute of God we don't think of often, God, the revealer of mysteries)  " It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, And the Light dwells with Him" Daniel 2:22.
The dream is of a great statue.  Head of gold ( Nebuchadnezzar), Breast and arms of silver, ( Medes and Persia), Belly and thighs of bronze ( Greece) Legs of Iron ( Rome)  Feet of clay mixed with iron ( a divided kingdom, part strong and part brittle, combined but not adhered, together but separate.) Out of a mountain a stone is cut without hands.  It crushes all of the statue. Grounds it down to dust. Blows it away until not a trace is left. This is the future revealed to Nebuchadnezzar.  It brings him to his knees.
God Himself will set up a Kingdom which will never be destroyed!  A kingdom , that Jesus tells us , is not of this world. ( John 18:36)  Jesus tells Pilate that He was born for this reason and He came into this world to bear witness of this Truth.
 What is the Shepherd speaking to me today?  What a Mighty God we serve!  He is the revealer of mysteries.  There are many things we do not understand.  But He knows it all. Like Nebuchadnezzar we need to fall before Him, Who is the God of gods, and The Lord of kings.  The future is sometimes full of darkness, but "He knows what is in the darkness, and the Light dwells with Him" Thanks and Praise to God, my Father and my King.  Amen.

Monday, March 4, 2013

God is my Rock, my Lovingkindness, my Fortress, my Stronghold, my Deliverer, my Shield, my Refuge, David declares in Psalm 144.  I will bless Thy Name forever and ever.  Speak well of our God and King.  Declare His greatness which is unsearchable.  To know God as MY God, who does these awesome and acts and abundant goodness to ME.  That is what brings me to my knees in worship.   Lord God, Almighty and Gracious One, I will bless Your Name. Open my eyes to see and my understanding to know You in this personal, wonderful, amazing way. "Bow Thy heavens, O Lord and come down" Draw me closer.  You are here! I worship You.

Daniel 1.  Daniel and his friends were taken captive.  They were moved to Babylon.  They were handpicked to become servants of Nebuchadnezzar.  Yet even in these circumstances, Daniel "made up his mind" to not defile himself.  To stay pure and removed from the temptations of Babylon.  God blessed him  because of it.  These 4 were given knowledge, intelligence, wisdom and understanding.  Daniel was also given a gift of understanding visions and dreams.  They were 10 times as wise and understanding as the kings top counselors. That is pretty amazing.

God prepares and gifts each of us as He chooses. It is personal. It is precise. It is for His glory.
Daniel looked to God and God used Daniel. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego also trusted God and served Him in all they did. It is my joy, my hope, my responsibility to also trust God and be faithful in the things He puts before me. To serve Him faithfully not matter what.  Fill me with Your Spirit O God, that I might serve You always.  Amen.

Friday, March 1, 2013

"The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness." Ps. 145:8   By His grace He sent Jesus Christ to pay the price for our sins.  In His mercy He does not give up on us when we fail and when we rebel.  He is eternally patient with us and loves us in spite of our weaknesses and ignorance.  "He is good to all"  v9 and He is " kind in all His deeds" v17.  Every day the sun rises and sets.  There is air to breath and water to drink.  Seeds planted in the ground take root and grow into bountiful fruit for us to eat.  He does not grow weary of human kind and destroy us with a Word.   Instead, He "is near to all who call upon Him" v18.  He fulfills "the desire of those who fear Him" v19.  He hears when we cry to Him, saves us and keeps us.  Bless His Name.  Speak well of Him every day!  "Great is The Lord and highly to be praised and His greatness is unsearchable" !

Philippians 3-4

The true circumcision are those who worship in the spirit of God and boast / glory in Christ Jesus, Paul tells us in Phil. 3:3.   To worship in spirit and in truth is what the Father seeks, Jesus told the Samaritan woman in John 4.   Worship is not a ritual done in a building.  Worship is a repsonse to the awareness of God's presence ( Tozer.. I think) .  It is initiated by God - He makes His presence known and I respond with worship. Romans 12:1 tells us " present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship"
To boast in Christ Jesus instead of one's own accomplishments is the foundation of true worship.   In Paul's day and culture/ religion the measure of religious status was all centered on the person's accomplishments.  Paul had the credentials - Jewish from birth, circumsized according to the law, a member of the tribe of Benjamin ( he had the right anscestory) A pharisee, a zealous persecutor of sinners, blameless according to the law of Moses - outwardly at least.   But he found out that all of that was worthless!  Trash!  It meant nothing at all to God because it ignored the perfect Son of God.
To know Jesus Christ the Lord is what has value.   To gain Him.  To be found in Him. To know the power of His resurrection.  To know the fellowship of His sufferings.  To be conformed to His death. This is what has value. This is what is worth pressing on for. Worth waiting for. Because when we know Him we will be ready for His return.  In Him we can rejoice! Instead of practicing the Law, Paul instructs us to practice what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, good, excellent, and worthy of praise. ( Phil 4:8)  The things he practiced.  Being forbearing, not being anxious, but praying and trusting in God.  Being thankful, standing firm, guarding our hearts and minds.  Relying on the strength of Jesus Christ and His grace. Trusting Him for all that we need. Giving to Him all that we have.
The world today has a different standard than those in Paul's time.  We measure religious success in different ways - our office or ministry, the size of our church, the largeness of our outreach.   Personally we might think it is how often we go to church or read our Bibles, pray or go to Bible studies.  But that is just as much rubbish as Paul had.  What is of value is knowing Christ Jesus.  To gain Him. To be found in Him. To share in His sufferings and death so that we might share in His resurrection.  It is having the "grace of The Lord Jesus be with your spirit"  Forgetting what "lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead"
Do what it takes to make this happen in me Lord Jesus! You alone are worthy of all praise.