Monday, October 30, 2023

 Jeremiah 49-50  Jeremiah is given prophecies regarding Ammon, Edom, Damascus, Kedar, Hazor,  and Babylon.. and all were found lacking. They were boastful, they were idolators, they were wicked, and they were guilty for their treatment of Israel.  For these reasons, God would judge them and their lands would become worthless.. "A wilderness, a parched land, and a desert.. " (50:12) 

The people of God would return to Zion.. they would once again find the covenant relationship with their God.  They would once again know their Redeemer, "the Lord of hosts is His name."  When God chooses to move.. no one will stop Him.  There are none who can oppose Him.. His purposes will be fulfilled. 

We know that these nations are no long called by those names.. all were removed from any power that they might have had.  But, in place we have nations like Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran.. The region is still full of turmoil.. the nations have not learned that God is Sovereign and He has chosen Israel to be His. "For who is like Me, and who will summon Me into court? And who then is the shepherd who can stand before Me?" (50:44) 

If God judged the arrogant in those olden days.. will He not judge the arrogance of today? He has a plan and a purpose for every nation.. even as He did for Babylon..  

Father, we watch and we wait upon You.. for we know that You are at work in Your people. You have a plan and it will be carried out.. by Your Almighty Hand.  Nations will bow.. as every knee will bow before You. We rest in this truth.  Father, keep us in Your ways.. prepare us for the days ahead, and empower us by Your Spirit to run the race that You have set before us.. that  we will be ready to stand before You on that day.. with no regrets.. only thankful hearts for the grace of Jesus that has overflowed in our lives.  May our lives of faith bear much fruit.. to the glory of His Name. Amen.

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