Tuesday, October 24, 2023

 Jeremiah 44-46  The remnant of Judah kidnapped Jeremiah and moved to Egypt. They still refused to listen to the Word of the Lord.  They refused to repent.  They would not even believe that they were causing the calamity that happened because of their idolatry!  They even went as far as to vow to offer sacrifices to the queen of heaven.. because they considered their lack of everything because of not worshipping her!   They seemed to have completely forgotten the God who had brought His people out of Egypt.. astonishing!

But, what would happen next.. they could not deny... for God sent Nebuchadnezzar to attack Egypt.  Egypt would be terrified, would fall back, would stumble.  There would be no refuge for Judah in the land of Egypt.  Very few would survive and return to Israel. 

Yet,  God is still not finished with His people .. " But as for you, O Jacob My servant, do not fear, nor be dismayed, O Israel! For, see, I am going to save you from afar, and your descendants from the land of captivity; and Jacob shall return and be undisturbed and secure, with not one making him tremble. " 

God promises correction.. punishment.. but restoration.  Even now, as we watch the news about Israel.. we see that Israel still has not fully returned to her God.. has not learned the lessons of God's Word.. and is still trying to do things her own way.  May God open the eyes of His people.. May their ears listen to His Voice and turn to their God and His Anointed One. 

Father in heaven, may we hear Your voice today in Your Word. May we know that You alone are God and that there is NO other. May we worship and serve You alone.  May we know the security and peace of being the sheep of Your pasture.. Your children, resting in You, trusting You, and obeying Your Word. We cast our cares on You, for we know that You care for us!  We will not be anxious about anything, but in everything, bring our prayers and petitions to You, with thanksgiving!  We will rest in the arms of Jesus who will defend us and keep us in His perfect peace. All glory and praise and thanks we give to You, our Almighty and Gracious King. Amen. 

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