Thursday, October 26, 2023

Jeremiah 47  This chapter is a prophecy the the Lord gave Jeremiah against the region of Philistia.. which is the exact area that is in our current news.  The main city of Philistia was Gaza. Another that we still hear of is Ashkelon. 

The Lord told Jeremiah that destruction was coming to Philistia.. it would overflow the land, it would make the men so weak that they wouldn't even try to save their children, it would destroy all of the Philistines, and would leave Gaza and Ashlelon "ruined".  They would begin to cry out to the Lord, "Ah, sword of the Lord, How long will you not be quiet?"  They would beg for rest from the Lord's sword. 

His answer?  "How can it be quiet, when the Lord has given it an order?" The Lord is at work.  We may not understand.  We do pray for peace.. but until the Lord has completed His perfect and holy work, the war will not cease.  What is the Lord's order for this current stretch of land? We do not know... but this we do know.. God is at work for His good purposes and He will carry out His will.  So, we pray... 

Father in heaven, holy and hallowed is Your Name.. above every other name on earth or in the heavens. We ask that Your Kingdom come.. reign in this world.. reign over Jerusalem and over the Gaza strip. Reign in our hearts.  We ask that Your will be done on earth.. in every inch of this earth.. as it is in all of heaven!  We ask for daily bread.. for everything we need comes from Your Hands.. You are our Shepherd and we do not lack. Thank You.  Provide food for those who are hungry, Lord God.  Provide shelter for those without homes.. lost to the bombs and fires.  Father, forgive us our sins.  Bring to repentance those who have still not recognized the sins of their nation.. as well as our own. .. repentance from shedding innocent blood.. repentance from immortality and greed and brutality.  May we forgive our enemies.. pray for our enemies.. and see our enemies turn from their sins. Deliver us from evil and lead us in paths of righteousness.. for Your Name's sake.  Yours is the power, the glory, and the honor, Father.  For You have lavished Your grace on us through the Lord Jesus Christ, the Beloved Son of God.  And it is in His name that we pray. Amen.  

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