Monday, October 16, 2023

 Jeremiah 30-31 These chapters turn our thoughts to a future.. to a time of restoration.. to a day when mourning will be turned to joy!  The people of God will find "grace in the wilderness".  They will hear these glorious words, " I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness."  There is a day coming when One is come to ".. keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock."

Jeremiah gives us the words of the Lord that bring hope and joy and restoration.  Iniquity will be punished, but it will also be forgiven and remembered no more!  The City of God will be rebuilt, a new covenant will be established and the Lord of hosts will complete His plans for His people. 

"Behold the days are coming..."  the Lord reminds us. He yearns for us. He loves us. He redeemed us and He gives us "hope for [our] future".  Hallelujah! 

I am reading Robert Morgan's book, The Lord is my Shepherd, based on the 23rd psalm.  Listen to this quote..

"What if you knew for certain that your every need would be met? What if you knew that the Creator of eternity was your best friend? What if you were convinced that a heavenly mansion awaited your earthly mission? What if you knew that your life had meaning? What if you had God's guarantee that everything would turn out well in the end? What if you had total access to His throne twenty-four hours a day? What if you had someone who died for you and rose again from the grave to give you a life that was more than abundant? What if you knew that the Lord was your Shepherd? Well, He is; and if He is, then all those things are realities." 

All that Jeremiah prophesied.. all that David wrote.. all that Jesus gave to us in His teaching.. in His sacrifice and resurrection... all this is leading us to that Day that is coming when every promise will be fulfilled and every hope realized. Until then, may we be His contented sheep.. lying down in green pastures.. resting in His everlasting love.. trusting Him for our every need. 

Father in heaven, we praise Your Name and give You thanks, for You have given us a Redeemer who is our Good Shepherd.  He leads us in paths of righteousness and anoints our heads with oil.. He prepares a place for us.. and He will come again to take us Home to be with You forever and ever. Father, fill us with faith and joy and love today, that we might serve You well.  Let us grow deeper in love with You, filled with Your Spirit of grace. We ask this in Jesus' name.. Amen and amen. 

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