Friday, October 27, 2023

 Jeremiah 48  "Concerning Moab"   This region had the Dead Sea to its west and the desert to its east.  In present times it is encompassed by the country of Jordan.  Moab is no more.  This passage tells us that the Lord judged Moab  " .. because of [their] trust in [their] own achievements and treasures.. "  They were proud, arrogant , boastful, and haughty.  There are several references to their love of drunkenness..  They worshipped Chemosh.. a false god. 

Arrogance, pride, and boasting... sounds familiar, doesn't it?  Drunkenness and immorality.. also way to prevalent in our society today.  We know that the Lord made an end to Moab.. we do not know when the day will come when the sins of America will bring about judgement too. 

Father, we pray for our country, for repentance and restoration.. that we might be a land where Your Truth is spoken, where Your ways are honored and obeyed, where we will join ourselves with You and be Your people. Bring humility and surrender to our leaders.  Make Your servants bold to speak the truth.  Protect those who are being persecuted for their faith. Show us what things we must do.. that Your Name will be honored in our land once more.  We ask these things in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ who has been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Amen. 

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