Friday, June 17, 2022

Matthew 12:8-14  "For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."  Jesus wanted to show His people the truth about God's Law regarding the Sabbath.  They had made it all about their traditions.. causing it to be a great burden and difficulty instead of the blessing that God made it to be.  He wanted them to know that the Sabbath was about real "rest".  It was why He had come.. to take the burdens away and give them life through Himself.  

Jesus "went into their synagogue.."  The word "their" sticks out to me.  It was their place.. to do their works.. for their pleasure.  It was also their desire to trap Him with the need of a poor man with a definite problem.  Would Jesus heal him on the Sabbath day?  "Is it lawful..?"  Not, "can you?" or "Will you?"  But, "Is it lawful..?"  Their very question reveals their lack of love and compassion.. 

Jesus always has the perfect answer.. "What man shall there be among you, who shall have one sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will he not take hold of it, and lift it out? Of how much more value then is a man than a sheep! So then it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath."

O the great compassion and kindness Jesus shows in this message to those who would listen!  Every man there would definitely rescue a sheep of theirs from a pit.  That was their livelihood... Their bank account.. their retirement fund.. That sheep could make the difference of whether or not they would be able to keep feeding their families or if they could offer a sacrifice to please God.  No doubt Jesus was talking about something that they all could easily relate to..  but to heal a man with a withered hand?  He was without value in their eyes. He was someone to push aside  or ignore, or use.. .. or throw a few pennies to when they wanted recognition for their giving..  

Jesus is the only one who saw the value of this man. 

"Stretch out your hand!"  Jesus said to the man.. "And he stretched it out, and it was restored to normal like the other."  What an amazing miracle! They witnessed it with their own eyes... in their own synagogue... in the middle of their own congregation.  They should have learned something really important here.. "It IS lawful to do good.. "  Always.. even on the sabbath.. especially on the Sabbath!

Yet, "the Pharisees went out, and counseled together against Him, as to how they might destroy Him." 

How terribly sad! They missed it.. they rejected Him.. and His love and compassion.. and His power and grace.. 

Father in heaven, open our eyes.. that we might see Jesus!  To reach out and touch Him.. to know Him more and more... to love Him with all our hearts!   What love and grace You have poured out upon us through the Beloved Son. Thank You. Father, fill our hearts with this kind of love and compassion.. to see the value of every man, woman, and child.  To think more of others than we think of our selves.  To serve You and to serve others with truth and kindness.. and patient love. May we be Your people, transformed into the likeness of our compassionate Lord.   We ask this in the Name of Jesus.. Amen. 

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