Monday, June 27, 2022

 Matthew 13:1-23  Jesus "spoke many things to them in parables.."  Everything prior to this had been clearly presented.. the Kingdom of God had come to them, because Jesus, the King, was there. He offered deliverance from the evil one, healing from the sickness of sin, and light to overcome the darkness.  He opened the door for all to become His brothers and sisters by revealing the Father's will and showing them what that really looked like.. not outward religious practices.. but truth that changed their hearts by faith. 

These parables are all given to present the truth of the Kingdom for those with "ears to hear".   It is with open eyes and ears that hear that understanding comes to the heart.. so that we can "return" to the Lord and be healed.  Praise the Lord who has granted to us "to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.."

The first parable is the story of the sower and the seed.  We know this parable well and have heard so many explanations... 

"the sower went out to sow" -  The seed is the "word of the kingdom". ( v19) 

Some seed "fell beside the road and the birds came and ate them up." -  Verse 19 tells us that that some people hear the word, don't understand it, and it is "snatched away" by the evil one. 

Some seed "fell upon rocky soil.. sprang up.. and because they had no root, they withered away."  Verse 20 tells us that this represents people who hear the Word, "receive it with joy" but have "no firm root" so they fall away at the first sign of "affliction or persecution." 

Some seed "fell among the thorns".. which eventually "choked them out".  Verse 22 tells us that this represents the "man who hears the word, and the worry of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful." 

Finally, some seeds "fell on the good soil and yielded a crop, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty."  Verse 23 tells us that this represents the "man who hears the word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit.. " 

The prophecy of Isaiah gives us the basis of this teaching by parables. Verse 15 in particular... "For the heart of the people has become dull, and with their ears they scarcely hear, and they have closed their eyes."   A choice is made.. a choice to ignore, neglect, or reject the Word of God.  Isaiah received his commission to go preach to Israel.. knowing that they would not hear or receive the Word.  Likewise, the people of Israel would hear, but many would not understand the good news that Jesus preached.  And this is still true.. the Word of God is available to any who want to receive it.. but it takes more than just hearing the Word.. it takes bold faith to open your eyes and to really hear the message of Truth. 

Jesus taught that we must repent of sin.. we must receive the Kingdom by realizing that we are poor in spirit.. beggars without resources of any kind.. that we mourn our sins and find comfort, that we become gentle and humble.. that we hunger and thirst for righteousness.. that we become merciful... pure in heart.. and strive for peace.. All of these things are the blessings.. the mysteries of the kingdom that have been revealed to us. When we open our eyes and ears.. receive the Word.. then we can become fruitful.  Oh how great is the Lord who has granted us such grace.. to give us understanding of these truths!

Father in heaven, may our ears be ears that hear.. and our hearts open to receive Your Word.  May it grow in us and bear the fruit of the Kingdom for Your glory and honor!  Help us to have understanding Holy Spirit! Fill us and teach us and keep us abiding in Your truth! Amen and amen!

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