Monday, June 20, 2022

 Matthew 12:15-21  Jesus left the synagogue, knowing that the Pharisees were even more determined to get rid of Him...  but not changing anything about His mission.  "And many followed Him, and He healed them all.

It was still the Sabbath. This was no longer "one sheep" that fell into a pit.. no longer one man with a significant need... "He healed them all."  The compassion that Jesus has for us... has no end.  Matthew shares the words of Isaiah 42.. the prophecy about the "Servant" who would come. Jesus came to do what no one else could.. O how great is our Lord!

"Behold My Servant who I have chosen. My beloved in whom My soul is well- pleased. I will put y Spirit upon Him, and He will proclaim justice to the Gentiles."   Jesus came as the anointed, chosen One, the Beloved Son of God to proclaim "justice".  Justice - judgement, divine law... Truth.  He came without quarreling, the prophet wrote... He came without violence.  He came to bring the Truth so that all the nations could have "hope". 

The Jewish religious leaders had no compassion for anyone.. not the man with the withered hand.. not the many lost sheep without a shepherd.. not the weary and heavy-laden.. and especially not the Gentiles.  Israel failed the mission that God had given them from the beginning when God told Abraham that "all the families of the earth shall be blessed..." through him.. ( Genesis 12:3)   But, God keeps His promises and Jesus came to do what Abraham could not.. what Israel could not.. He came to bless "all the families of the earth."!  Hallelujah!

Father in heaven, we praise Your Name and exalt You above all else. Thank You for sending Jesus to lead us into eternal Truth. Thank You for revealing Yourself, speaking through the Living Word, that we might know that sin kills, that faith matters, that love never fails, and that every promise is Yes and Amen in Jesus Christ, the Beloved Son.  Heal us.. fill us.. lead us.. and give us strength and perseverance to walk always in Your ways and to do the things that You have prepared for us to do in love and gentleness.. with the grace and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ.  In His name we pray. Amen. 

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