Friday, June 3, 2022

 Matthew 10:1-8  This chapter is all about discipleship.  It starts with Jesus giving specific instructions to the 12 as He sends them out for the first time.. "And having summoned His twelve disciples, He gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness."  Their message was simple, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand." 

The twelve were sent only  to "the lost sheep of the house of Israel" at that time.  It is later, after the resurrection that they would be sent "to all the nations.." ( Matt. 28:19)   The disciples were given "authority" at the time they were sent out in this chapter and we are reminded in chapter 28 that "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth."  There is a truth there that we, the disciples of Jesus, need to grasp more fully.. with boldness.. Jesus has called us to go out in His Name.. the Name that has all authority in heaven and earth... so let us do it!

There are lessons here in Matthew 10 that we can learn from.. lessons of discipleship.  We see first of all, that our message is simple and certain.. "The kingdom of heaven is at hand."   This is good news! Matthew has recorded for us all that Jesus taught about the Kingdom.  This was why Jesus came.. that His reign would begin.. that all darkness and evil would be vanquished.. that healing and deliverance would be given.. that Truth and Love and Light would come through Him.  Jesus brought the kingdom to Israel first, but they rejected it.  He brings it to us now.. freely.  We just need to receive it, to receive Him.. our Lord, our Savior, our Eternal King.  Then we are meant to share it wherever we go.. 

Father in heaven, let Your Name be lifted up in praise and adoration.. in every tongue, in every tribe, and in every nation. Send forth workers into the harvest to tell the good news of Your Kingdom.. let Your Kingdom come!  Jesus has the authority to vanquish all evil!  Hallelujah!  He has called us to bear this good news to the lost sheep.. not just of Israel...but of every nation.  Let Your church arise and complete the commission that You have given to us.  Help us to have eyes to see the "distressed and downtrodden".. the fields white unto harvest. We beseech You, the Lord of the harvest, to send out more workers into Your harvest... May Your will be done.. on earth as it is in heaven.  Amen. 

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