Monday, June 6, 2022

 Matthew 10: 9-16     The disciples of Jesus were sent out with the message of the Kingdom.  In Christ's kingdom there is no darkness!  Demons are cast out.. diseases are healed.. truth is given freely.  There is Light and Life.. filled with the love of the Father and of the Son.  Jesus prepared His disciples to go out as "sheep in the midst of wolves".   They would need shrewdness.. and yet remain innocent... thoughtful, cautious...earnest and aware.. yet, harmless and simple.. pure of heart. 

Jesus tells the disciples to go without earthly resources.. "Do not acquire gold, or silver or copper.. or a bag.. or even two tunics, or sandals, or a staff."   They were going out in faith.  In  Luke 22:35  we read, "When I sent you out without purse and bag and sandals, you did not lack anything, did you? And they said, 'No nothing'"  

".. the worker is worthy of his support".. Jesus tells them.  Deuteronomy 25:4  establishes this principle ... "You shall not muzzle the ox while he is threshing."  Paul speaks about this in I Corinthians.. where he condemns those who only preach to make money and refuses to take anything himself.. .. and in I Timothy 5:17-18 where he supports giving honor.. and wages to those who "work hard at preaching and teaching." In Luke 22:36.. Jesus does tell His disciples that they needed to take along "a purse.. a bag, and..  [a]  sword"... after His death and resurrection. God would still provide, but the work would be different. 

In verses 11-15  Jesus gives some specific instructions for entering a town.. First,  "inquire who is worthy in it; and abide there until you go away."  Even as they were to go in faith, without resources.. they were to go with discernment.  A "worthy" house or city would receive the "greeting of peace".  An unworthy house or city would not.   To receive the Lord's disciples would bring the blessing of God's peace.. to reject it would bring the curse of judgement. 

The disciples were told to "shake the dust off their feet" when leaving a house or city that rejected the message of the gospel.  In Acts 13:51 we read about Paul and Barnabas doing this when the Jews of Pisidian Antioch rejected the message and "drove them out of their district." 

Father in heaven, teach us Your ways.. that we might faithfully serve You as bearers of the Good News of Jesus Christ.  May we go in faith, trusting You for all things.  May we go with shrewdness.. thinking and preparing.. with godly wisdom and discernment.  May we go in innocence.. with no pretense or wrong motives.  Send forth workers into Your harvest Father.. with the power of the Gospel that is able to save lost souls.  Fill Your children with Your love and compassion for those who are "distressed and downtrodden".  We ask this in the Name of Jesus who sends us out with His authority. Amen. 

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