Tuesday, June 7, 2022

 Matthew 10:16-23  To be a disciple of Jesus will not always be easy. These next verses paint a picture of hardships.. where we will be anxious, fearful, confused, rejected, and even excluded from our own families.  Jesus teaches His disciples these things, so that they will be prepared for what will be their reality one day.. "be shrewd.. and innocent", He says.  Be thoughtful, discreet, and cautious..yet harmless and simple. 

The biggest threat to those who belong to Jesus will be men of power.. government, religious leaders, courts...   Jesus tells us to  "beware".. but not "anxious". 

"But when they deliver you up, do not become anxious about how or what you will speak; for it shall be given you in that hour what you are to speak. For it is not you who speak, but it is the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you."  What wonderful news.. especially for those of us who feel tongue-tied when we face controversy or disagreements... or confrontations.  What assurance Jesus provides... the Spirit will speak the right words for us.  Let us boldly trust Him!

There will also be threats of a more intimate kind.. brothers.. fathers.. children.. "will deliver up" their own kin... even "to death."   It is somewhat unbelievable.. until we consider the reality  of abuse, greed, selfishness, addictions... etc.  those things that cause bitterness and anger and hatred within families.  We know it happens.. way too often.  "And you will be hated by all on account of My name.."  Jesus warns His disciples.. "but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved."  

Here is the Truth that we must never forget.. .death is not the end... Jesus is!  We can endure, because He is coming again! Even if we are persecuted.. even if we have to flee our homes.. even if we are killed.. Jesus will never leave us.. we must "endure"... keep abiding and persevering... trusting Him. 

Father in heaven, You are our Deliverer and Sustainer.  You bring us life through Jesus, Your Beloved Son. We long for Your Kingdom to come and Your will to be done.  Fill us with Your Spirit so that we might live in constant faith and fellowship with You.. ready for whatever lies ahead for us.  May we be mindful, but not anxious.  May we be fully yielded to You no matter what hardships we must face.  May we love as You love us, fill us with Your love..  so that we can love those who persecute, hate, and deliver us up.. even to death.  We need the power of Your divine love in us, Father, so that we might bring You glory and honor through all we do.. even... or especially.. our suffering.  We ask this in the Mighty Name of Jesus, our King forever. Amen. 

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