Friday, June 24, 2022

 Matthew 12: 46-50   It is at this time that Mary and her sons come to speak to Jesus, standing outside of the crowd.  John tells us that Jesus' brothers didn't believe in Him at that point. ( John7:5) It is in Acts 1:14 that we are told that His brothers had joined their mother in devoting themselves to prayer with the disciples and other believers.  We know that James and Jude wrote New Testament books and that James was a leader in the church in Jerusalem.  The other two, Joseph and Simon, are not mentioned again. 

What is significant in this passage is what Jesus says next.. " Who is My mother and who are My brothers?"  Jesus is introducing a new view of His relationship to others... it is not about a physical likeness or shared DNA that really matters...  ".. whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother."  What really matters is the spiritual likeness.. the spiritual DNA, if you will, that is most important in God's kingdom. 

"Behold,"  Jesus proclaims as He points to His disciples, ".. My mother and My brothers!"   Luke says it this way... "My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it."  

What a wonderful proclamation!  We who have chosen to follow Jesus.. who are "for" Him and not "against" Him.. those of us who have not hardened our hearts, but have repented from our sins and found forgiveness in Him.. those who have received His Spirit and are walking in Him.. doing the will of the Father.. we are the brothers and sisters and mother of Jesus! 

Father in heaven, we are Yours.. and You are ours. We seek to have the daily experience of Your Presence, the intimacy of this wonderful relationship made possible by Jesus our Lord.  Fill us Spirit of God, leading us in the Father's will, making us like Jesus our Brother and our King.  It is far beyond my grasp to understand all that this means.. but this is my heart's desire.. to know You more and more.. to press on.. to dive deeper.  Have Your way, Lord! Amen. 

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