Monday, May 30, 2022

 Matthew 9:1-8  Jesus left Gadara and went back across the sea of Galilee to Capernaum.  As people came to Him again, a paralyzed man was brought in "lying on a bed".   Mark and Luke tell us that this is the young man who was lowered down through the roof of the house because of the great crowd that blocked their entrance.  Matthew gives us the essence of this encounter...

"Take courage, My son, your sins are forgiven."  Jesus says to him.  It is a bold statement.. not because He couldn't do it.. but because He knew that it would cause some controversy.  But, perhaps, that is the point. Jesus was acting according to the Father's direction.. proving His authority over all things.. including the forgiving of sins.  Oh Hallelujah!  "But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.. "

Authority - ability, force, capacity, competency, freedom, mastery, jurisdiction, power, right, strength, control.   Jesus has revealed His authority over nature - commanding the wind and waves;  He has revealed His authority over disease - healing the leper and Peter's mother-in-law, and the centurion's servant;  He has revealed His authority over the demons - freeing Legion from their grasp.  Here,  He is revealing the greatest extent of His authority - over sin; the greatest need of all mankind!

"Which is easier to say.. ?"  Jesus asked them.  They needed to see the authority in action with their own eyes.. so He told the paralytic to get up and walk.. and he did.  What they really needed were the spiritual eyes to see what is unseen - a soul saved by the authority of Jesus Christ the Son of God.  This is the greater work.. the eternal work of God. 

Father in heaven, we are so thankful for so great a Savior! We thank You for the love poured out to us through the love and power and grace of Jesus Christ.  All authority has been given to Him.. the very One who died on a cruel cross so that we might be saved, forgiven forever!  Every offense, every fault, every trespass, every error.. every time we have fallen short of Your glory - has been put away, laid aside, let go - buried in the deepest sea- by the Savior's sacrifice.  We exalt You, Lord Jesus, our King forever!  May the whole earth be filled with this glorious Truth!  Jesus Christ came to seek us, to find us, and to bring us into His Kingdom of Light!  Hallelujah ! Amen!

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