Monday, May 2, 2022

 Matthew 6:10  "Thy kingdom come."  This is the second request that Jesus instructs us to pray in this model prayer He is giving to us.   Matthew's gospel has given us much to think about regarding the Kingdom.  This has been the essence of Jesus' message as He taught "in all Galilee". In fact there are over 100 references to the kingdom of heaven in the gospels.   This is why He came.. to "proclaim the gospel of the kingdom."  He taught that we needed to repent "for the kingdom of heaven is at hand".  He taught that the kingdom wasn't far off, but that it had come.. that it wasn't external but internal.  He taught that kingdom citizens are "poor in spirit" and receive the kingdom... that they "mourn" and are "comforted";  that they are gentle and humble, that they hunger and thirst for righteousness and are satisfied with the abundant gift of His salvation, His cleansing, and His love...

The kingdom came with the presence of Jesus.. for He is the King.  Yet, He taught this prayer.. "May Your Kingdom come." CJB   The word kingdom in Greek is basileia.. realm.. reign. So when Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God "he meant, quite simply, the rule of God." ( Holman Bible Dictionary).  In  Matthew 12:25-28 Jesus speaks to the Pharisees about the fact that the Kingdom had come.. the proof of it was that He "cast out demons by the Spirit of God".  The Kingdom is not a political or geographical entity.  It is not established by the hands of men.  The Kingdom is a work of God.. He established His rule through the ministry of Christ on earth and He will complete it in the future on that day when all His plans and purposes are fulfilled. It is a kingdom where darkness is expelled and God reigns perfectly.

Jesus asked His disciples to pray for the Kingdom to come.. He invited everyone to enter.. He made it clear that this is His greatest desire.. that none should perish but that all would come in.. enter in and be saved from the wrath that will come.. to all who remain outside. 

Jesus taught about the kingdom in parables.. the kingdom comes to those who hear the Word and understand it; ( Matthew 13:23)  The kingdom is like the field sown with good seed but infiltrated with tares that will be destroyed..  ( 13:24-30). The kingdom is like the mustard seed that starts out so small but grows into a large tree.. ( 13: 31-32)  It is like leaven... it is like a treasure.. like a pearl of great price.. like a dragnet... (v33-52) 

All this goes to show us that this prayer request is essential because it is so dear to the Heart of our Lord. He came to reign.. to bring us into His Kingdom in the only way that we can.. through Him.  This prayer is that His reign will be complete.. in our lives, in our world, and in all of eternity.  It is for the present.. and for the future.  It is for ourselves and for others.  Indeed, "May Your kingdom come." encompasses everything we need and everything God desires to give. And perhaps, most of all, Jesus wants us to pray for His kingdom, so that the lost will be saved.

Father in heaven, may Your Name be kept holy and may Your kingdom come.  Reign in us today so that all that is darkness will be exiled and only Your Light will shine in our hearts and in our homes and in our churches.  May Your kingdom come in the power of the Name about all names, that the world will know You and receive You as King and Lord forever!  Fill us Spirit of God, that Your Kingdom is proclaimed and your will is done! Amen. 

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