Wednesday, May 25, 2022

 Matthew 8:14-17 Jesus came to Peter's house.  He came into a home that He knew well and to a woman that He knew well.. Peter's mother-in-law.  This woman was "lying sick in bed with a fever.."  Perhaps it was just a virus or an infection.. perhaps it was something life-threatening.  We don't know.  But it must have been serious enough that she couldn't get out of bed... for a woman at that time would not be found lying around if she could help it!

 Notice.. She never asked for help.  Nobody else asked Jesus to help her.  He simply saw the need, went to her and "touched her hand".   Immediately the fever left, she got up, and she started serving dinner!  I just want to stop and savor this moment.  Can you feel the love that Jesus had for her?  He has the same love for you! Can you feel the love that she had for Him?  Picture her bringing Him some bread.. setting food before Him at the table.. picture her face.. glowing in love and thanksgiving.. Picture her hands.. gently touching His shoulder as she places the food in front of Him.  What love these two would share in these intimate moments!  And the rest of the family.. Peter's wife.. seeing her mother healed completely.. raised up from what could have been her death bed..  Oh the joy on her face!  And Peter, wrapping his arm around her and tears of joy flowing freely.. 

Wish we could see with our own eyes what these verses so simply summarize and move on from.. maybe we would put ourselves into this event.  Maybe we are the woman, sick.. without hope.. and Jesus comes in and everything changes!  Maybe we are Peter or his wife.. seeing our loved one raised up by His gracious Hand.  Maybe there were grandchildren there.. given back their precious grandmother.  Oh what Good News! 

And before the day was over.. everyone else heard about it.. "they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed; and He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were ill..."  The kingdom came into that little house that day.  God's Son was willing.. and He met each need.  Jesus revealed His authority over every evil spirit and over every illness that night..  "He Himself took our infirmities, and carried away our diseases."  Oh Hallelujah!  What a Savior!

Father in heaven, let Your holy Name be praised and lifted up in all the earth!  Let Your Kingdom come in all its fulness..  so that our King Jesus reigns and all evil comes to an end. Let Your righteous will be done, here on earth as it is always done in heaven.  Lord, we ask for daily bread.. for You are the giver of life.. and we are helpless without Your grace.  We ask for forgiveness of every sin.. our own.. and for those who still do not know You.  This world.. this country.. O Lord, it breaks our hearts to see such destruction and hatred.. to know such despair and poverty and desperation.  How many more are being possessed by evil spirits.. doing unthinkable things.. killing the innocent, destroying what is precious in Your sight.  Help us, Lord God!  May the love and truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ "spread rapidly and be glorified" through Your people. Our world is in desperate need of Your Truth.. . Let the church rise up in boldness, in love, and in Truth.. we pray in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen. 

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