Tuesday, May 24, 2022

 Matthew 8:5-13  Jesus traveled back to Capernaum, the place that had become His home base.  As He reaches His home town He is met by a Roman centurion.  This man was captain of 100 soldiers.  He would be a powerful figure.  He apparently was head of the contingent in Capernaum.  He had risen up through the ranks to a position of authority.  Yet, his concern was for a servant boy.  His request is surprising.  "Lord, my  servant is lying paralyzed at home, suffering great pain." 

Think about that.  This busy, powerful, and Roman soldier thought enough of his servant to come to Jesus on his behalf.  And, not only that, but he humbles himself before Jesus.. "Lord, I am not worthy for You to come under my roof.. "  This is truly a man who has come to know Jesus in a way far greater than the Jewish people.  

The centurion asks Jesus to "just say the word".  He understands that Jesus has the authority.. to heal.. to speak.. to save.  He believes it!  Jesus says.. " I say to you, I have not found such great faith with anyone in Israel." 

Is our faith as great as the Roman centurion's?   It needs to be.  Jesus teaches that "many shall come from the east and west, and recline at the table with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven; but the sons of the kingdom shall be cast out... "  The difference is this "great faith".  

Great faith, Jesus says, can be as small as a mustard seed.  It just has to be faith in the authority of Jesus Christ.  That is what it means to pray in His Name.  It is to believe in our hearts that He can just "say the word" and He will answer our prayer.. He is willing.. He is able!  

There is a song on the radio that talks about this.. sorry I don't know the name or artist.. but it says something to the effect.. He did.. He does.. He can!  O what a wonderful God we serve!

Lord,  "just say the word" and touch those who need healing today.  Say the word.. and meet our deepest needs.  You are the God of comfort.. You give grace that is sufficient.  You give hope to the hopeless. You show compassion on those who are suffering.  You love us with a greater love than we can grasp with our finite minds.  Give to us that peace that passes our understanding and that faith that can move mountains.. in Your Name we come, Jesus. Praise the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

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