Monday, May 9, 2022

 Matthew 6:13b "For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen."   This final phrase of this model of true prayer takes us to our knees.  It is a statement that acknowledges once again.. the greatness of  the One to whom we are coming.. our Father who knows what we need before we ask.. 

We come to our King and confess that the Kingdom is His.. not ours.
We come to our God and confess that He can do anything for all power is His.. not ours.
We come to our Lord and confess that all glory.. all applause.. all credit .. all beauty.. is His.. for He is worthy of all praise.. not us. 

This prayer has taught us how to come into the Throne room of God.. to have a truthful and significant conversation with the Creator and Ruler of all the universe.. to ask for what we really need.   No, we don't have to repeat the exact words.. in fact it is better not to make it into a "meaningless repetition".   As Max Lucado's book presents it.. this prayer is like coming into God's House.. moving in permanently and being at HOME.   

Our Father - the One who loves us and has adopted us and moved us into His kingdom.. 
Who is in Heaven- the only God who created heaven and earth, Who rules over everything with majesty and glory and power and love.. 
Let Your name be kept holy - lifted up, exalted, honored, above every other name.. 
Let Your kingdom come - have perfect rule and reign - in us; in Your church; and in the world. 
Let Your will be done -  Your Will - not ours.  Our wills are so flawed and beneath Your good and perfect desires. We surrender to Your plans, Your purposes, and Your desires. 
Give us our daily bread - provide what we need, Lord, for You know what that really is and we are utterly helpless unless You give.. we sit at Your table as Your children and trust You to give and we gratefully receive. 
Forgive us our debts - the things that we do  or think... or say without thinking.. what stands between You and us.. that we have no power to remove, but that You have made a way to completely cover by the blood of Jesus Christ our Savior. 
And we.. out of grateful hearts.. for the mercy shown to us.. extend mercy to any that have taken things from us.. any that have caused us harm.. any that have accused.. persecuted.. abused.  With Your help we can let each offense.. go. 
Lead us, Lord, away from temptation and trials.. or through them.. and 
Deliver us from the fiery darts of the enemy..we take up our shields of faith.. trusting in You in the midst of the attacks. 
For the Kingdom is Yours!  Christ Jesus is King forever!
The power is all Yours!  There is nothing impossible for You! Jesus has overcome!
The glory is all Yours!  We praise You and You alone! 
Forever and ever and ever.. Hallelujah!  We will stay in this glorious House of the Lord.. at Home with our Father and with our King. 

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