Monday, May 23, 2022

 Matthew 8:1-4  When Jesus was finished speaking to the crowd, He came down from the mountainside and was met by a man who had leprosy.  This man came boldly, though he shouldn't have been that close to anyone.  He didn't as much ask for help as he stated his belief that Jesus could help him. "Lord, if you are willing, You can make me clean." 

What is it that we need.. that we could bring that need to Jesus with the boldness and faith of this poor man?

Lord, if you are willing.. You can:
heal my disease..
give me a greater love for others..
open my eyes to truth in my circumstances 
restore  my broken relationship.. 
give me wisdom in this decision I need to make.. 
provide money for my bills.. 

whatever it is.. we can bring it to Jesus!

We know what Jesus said to the leper.. "I am willing.. " 
Has He changed?  No
Does He desire to help us?  Yes!

No fancy words needed.  No particular posture or sacrifice or whatever.. just a honest, yet bold, statement of need to the One who can help us.. Is He willing? I believe so. 

Father in heaven, You know our needs even before we ask.. for You see us and know us and love us. We praise You, Holy God, for You are good and gracious and kind.  Teach us to come to You in prayer, bringing every need.. making every request to You.. in faith, trusting in Your perfect will.. Be our help, be our everything!  Let Your Kingdom come.. King Jesus, reign in us today.  Let You will be done. We give You thanks for Your love that keeps us resting in You and for knowing Your perfect peace that guards our hearts.   May we be faithful to testify to those who need to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.... to  confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of all and that He is willing to save those who will turn to him.. like a poor leper... like us.  Thank You Jesus. Amen. 

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