Thursday, July 29, 2021

 I Peter 1: 1-2  "... to those... who are chosen.."   We are selected. A divine election.  Favored... by God our Father... who knew us beforehand.   He knows us.. He sees us, is aware of us and understands us. And He chooses us, "by the sanctifying work of the Spirit.. "  It is the work of God's Spirit to call us to Himself, to call us to holiness... to separation from the world and separation to our Lord.  ".. that you may obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood." 

The Trinity is individually and collectively involved in our salvation. By grace, God the Father loves us and chooses to make us part of His "predetermined" plan.  We have no merit on our own... He chooses us by His unmerited favor..   It is His Spirit that brings us to salvation that has been provided by Jesus Christ, who shed His blood for us. 

Andrew Murray wrote this.. "The Spirit and the blood of Christ are two divine powers that work together in this rebirth - the blood for the forgiveness of sin, and the Spirit for the renewal of the person as a whole.  Through the blood you receive the Spirit and are saved and purified to receive the Spirit."  He goes on to say.. "That is why you as a Christian may have the confidence to trust the Spirit to lead you. Let your faith in the precious blood of Christ be strong and sure." 

"May grace and peace be yours in full measure." 

Father in heaven, how marvelous are Your works!  How great is Your grace!  May we stop.. "Be still".. and recognize and understand..and  "know that You are God".   It is by grace that You have chosen to call us to Yourself.. that we might put our faith in Jesus Christ, whose blood was shed for us. It is Your Spirit who is at work to sanctify us through and through.  We are Your children.. called by Your Name.. and we are so thankful.. Blessed be Your Name.  Amen.

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