Friday, July 2, 2021

 James 1/ Psalm 32 

Andrew Murray wrote this about God's Word - "Each Word or promise of God is a seed sheltering divine life in it. If I absorb it into my heart by faith and love, and meditate on it, it will produce fruit. "  Murray says to take a verse or passage that the the Spirit lays on your heart.." to the throne of grace and plead for the promise locked in it."  Let it become your prayer.. the Word "a powerful  fuel that must carefully and prayerfully studied, taken to heart and lived by. " 

 Psalms 32:5 "I will instruct and teach you in the way that you are to go, I will give you counsel; my eyes will be watching you."  This Word from God holds an amazing promise! It can be a prayer for myself.. " Lord, instruct me and teach me the way I am to go today... "  It can be a prayer of intercession for others.. "Lord, will you instruct and teach_____ the way that he should go. Will you give him counsel and watch over him today?" 

Which brings me to James 1:2-3 "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance."  Knowing... not just hoping or wishing... but KNOWING that when our faith is tested it will produce endurance. "And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."

Endurance  is from the Greek word - hupomone - constancy, patient continuance;  to remain; to bear trials with fortitude, to abide; to take patiently.. 

The promise we can unlock from this Word is so powerful! The trials we have experienced.. and the ones that are ahead.. will bear the fruit of endurance -to give us a constant, patient, strong abiding in Christ.. that will result in completing and perfecting us according to His will and purposes.  Yes, we can count that all joy!

Father in heaven, let my trials.. present, past, and future.. produce patient endurance in me. Help me to know this without a doubt. Help me to live this truth with joy!  Father, I pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ who are right now suffering great trials, that they would know that You are at work in them, producing endurance and bringing them to complete maturity in Christ the Lord. Instruct us and teach us from Your Word, Lord God, that we might know the way to go. Counsel us and keep Your eyes on us as You have promised. We put our trust in You to surround us with Your grace, for we rejoice in You. In Jesus' name we pray.. Amen and amen!

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