Monday, July 19, 2021

 Ezra 1-10  Ezra was a priest, a descendant of Aaron.  He recorded the return of the Jewish people to Jerusalem according to the decree by Cyrus, the king of Persia and later confirmed by King Darius.  The fact that the Jews were not only allowed to return, but were encouraged and given great amounts of gold and silver etc.. is miraculous!  Even when the enemies that surrounded Judah tried to stop them from rebuilding.. God used these foreign kings to prosper the work. 

The temple was rebuilt and dedicated. The Passover was observed. The priests were ready to do their jobs and God was blessing His people greatly.  But...there was a problem.  Many of the people, including priests and Levites, had intermarried with foreign women.. breaking the covenant of the Law.  When this was brought to Ezra's attention.. he wept.  He tore his clothes and fell before the Lord.  His prayer was this..

 "O my God, I am ashamed and embarrassed to lift up my face to Thee, my God, for our iniquities have risen above our heads, and our guilt has grown even to the heavens."(9:6)

Ezra recognized and confessed the sins of his people. While he was still praying.. the people began to gather.. and changes began to happen.  The book ends with a list of those who confessed their sin and agreed to put away these foreign wives and children. 

This seems so hard.. a hard thing for the Lord to require.. And yet.. Jesus said.. " If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple." (Luke 14:26) He wants us to have our priorities in place.. that our lives be wholly devoted to Him.. above all else. It does not mean we shouldn't love our families.. it does mean that our commitment is first of all to our God and then to them.  It is only when we put Him first that we can really love others anyway. 

Father in heaven,  You are our great and mighty God, our Creator, and our Provider.  We belong to You and You have shown us that when we have the right order of things.. You first, above all else.. when we exalt You and humble ourselves.. then and only then can we be truly blessed.. satisfied.. happy.  Teach us, Spirit of God, to love in this way.. to obey and trust and surrender to Your will.  May we abide in Jesus and His word in us.. that every word and deed will glorify Your Name. Father, Ezra's prayer for Israel is also our prayer for America.. we are ashamed of the sinfulness that floods our country.. and we pray for people to weep and repent before You.  Bring revival and restore Your church in America we pray.  Amen. 

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