Wednesday, July 14, 2021

 James 4  Real, living, faith that transforms our lives... produces good fruit.  The Holy Spirit writes God's Word in our hearts and on our minds.  By this, our tongues are also brought under His power. 

Came to Psalm 39 today.. and read about how David had this same problem.. "I said, 'I will watch how I behave, so that I won't sin with my tongue; I will put a muzzle on my mouth whenever the wicked confront me.'"  But, as hard as he tried to keep silent, he found it impossible.. "My heart grew hot within me; whenever I thought of it, the fire burned. Then.. I let my tongue speak."  

Then, he prayed, asking the Lord to help him grasp that his life was only "a puff of wind"...  To remember that humans.. all of us.. have numbered days.  "Now, Adonai, what am I waiting for? You are my only hope. Rescue me from my transgressions; don't make me the butt of fools. I am silent, I keep my mouth shut, because it is You who have done it." (v7-9)

For David, it was remembering who he was.. a human who is just passing through this world.. and Who he served..  God.. who was his only hope and could do what he couldn't on his own... that helped him to get control of his tongue. 

James is not finished addressing the issue. "What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you?" he says.  Quarreling comes from an untamed tongue.. doesn't it?  And the cause is a heart issue.. "Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members?"   It's lust for what you don't have. It's envy for what you "cannot obtain".  It's fighting with someone else because of your own lack of faith.  It's a heart that is being deceived and deluded.. and not walking in wisdom ... according to the Truth. 

The truth is:

"You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures. You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." ( v2-4) 

When we remember who we are.. and that our days are like "a puff of wind"... and we put our hope in God alone.. we can learn to live and walk by faith.  We ask for what we need and trust our Lord to provide. We can yield to His leading and trust His provision.  Those are the "right motives"... when we ask for what we need..  in Jesus' name.. for the glory of God. 

Father in heaven, forgive us for the times we have asked You for things with selfish motives.  Help us to walk in Truth and learn to trust You fully.  Keep us mindful of the fact that this world is not our home.. we are "just a traveler passing through".. and we don't need to fellowship with what is worldly and hostile to You.  We do need the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, the grace of Jesus Christ, and the love of our gracious Father.  For this we ask, in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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