Wednesday, January 13, 2021

 II Timothy 2:19-26  Paul continues his instructions to Timothy, and to us, with an illustration about noble and ignoble vessels.  There are 2 important principles that we need to think about:

1. "The Lord knows those who are His." This is a quote referencing Numbers 16:5 during the rebellion of Korah and his company. They had questioned Moses' authority and accused Moses of exalting himself.  But, Moses replied that the Lord would show who was His.  He would separate the holy from the unholy...the true from the false. 

2."Let everyone who names the name of the Lord abstain from wickedness." This may also be a reference to Numbers 16.. a warning to the people to stand back away from the "wicked men, and touch nothing that belongs to them, lest you be swept away in all their sin."  The principle is repeated over and over in the Law - stay away from the unclean things. Stay away from evil. Be separate... be holy. 

Paul says that these two principles are the seal of  "the firm foundation of God.."  The Bible Knowledge Commentary summarizes it like this.. "The two inscriptions emphasize respectively both God's sovereign control over the church and every Christains responsibility to turn away from evil." 

This helps to understand the illustration of the vessels. Some vessels are gold and silver - "vessels of honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work." These are vessels that have been "cleansed" from "these things" - from wickedness and rebellion, from false teachings and useless arguments.  On the other hand, some vessels are wood or clay- dishonored. Not sanctified, not useful for God's work.. needing to be cleansed. God knows each of us - whether we are faithful, honorable, and useful to Him; or whether we are "unclean", contaminated by the world.. by sin in our hearts. 

The  unashamed workman who handles the truth of God's word accurately.. is a vessel of honor.  He pursues "righteousness, faith, love, and peace with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart."  

He refuses "foolish and ignorant speculations, knowing that they produce quarrels." 

 He will be "kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition.."  

He would do all he could to lead them to the "knowledge of the truth." 

Father, You know our hearts.  You have called us to be vessels of honor, cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ, who came so that we might be saved and sanctified....Your Spirit filled servants.  Help us to turn away from those things that are wicked, useless, and argumentative.  Our world is filled with so much of that right now. May we have clean hands and pure hearts as we humble ourselves before You and seek Your face, praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ, and showing kindness to those with whom we may disagree.  Lead us all into the the knowledge of Your truth. Again we pray for understanding that comes from You alone.  In Jesus' name. Amen. 

May God's grace be with you all. 

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