Friday, January 8, 2021

 II Timothy 1  Paul is in a Roman prison.  He is on death row. This is his last letter and it is addressed to Timothy, whom he considers his "beloved son".  Paul wants Timothy to know that it had been worth it all.. to follow Jesus - the suffering, the sacrifices, the isolation - everything that could have been.  For, he could still say, " I thank God, whom I serve with a clear conscience..

Paul's first letter to Timothy gave a lot of instructions for the church organization.  This one seems to be more personal.  Paul longed to see Timothy again and hoped for him to come before winter.  He knew Timothy's family and legacy of faith. He had personally been part of Timothy's ordination, laying hands on him for the "gift" that came through the Holy Spirit. His love for Timothy is evident throughout this book. 

Paul encouraged Timothy, reminding him that he was given "a spirit of power, love, and discipline."  He encouraged Timothy to not be ashamed of the gospel, but to "accept your share in suffering disgrace for the sake of the Good News.. " ( v8 CJB) 

Paul reminds Timothy that they had both been "called with a holy calling... according to His own purpose and grace.. " 

Paul exhorted Timothy to  "retain the standard of sound words... " and to "Guard, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you." ( v14) 

These personal words are great reminders for all of us.. especially in this day and age. 

We have also been given the same Spirit as Timothy - not of timidity, but of power, love, and discipline. may God help us to live in light of this Truth. 

We must also be strong and courageous, willing to accept our share of suffering for the sake of the Gospel. May God help us to be ready to share in Christ's suffering. 

We must also stand firm in the calling that God has on our own lives - Guarding the Word - this great treasure that God has entrusted to us through His Spirit.  May God enable us to be faithful guardians of His Word. 

We live, unashamed, in the One who brought us life and light, Jesus Christ our Lord. If we suffer, we do so for Him, knowing that it is in Him that we believe and know for sure that He " is able to guard what [we] have entrusted to Him until that day." 

Father, we know that grace, peace, and mercy come through Your Hands. You have given us life in Christ Jesus our Lord. May we serve You daily, with clear conscience, with firm convictions, and with the power, love, and discipline that You have provided through Your Spirit.  May we never be ashamed of the Gospel that is Your gift, a great treasure, that alone can bring the dead to life.  All praise and honor and worship to You, our Great God and Father and to the Son, Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. 

"Grace be with you. "

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