Friday, January 22, 2021

 Isaiah 2  In the first 5 verses Isaiah describes what he "saw" - what would happen in the "last days" - when the "house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains.."  It will be a time when the Lord will teach all the nations His ways.  There will be no wars and all the weapons of war will be turned into "plowshares and pruning hooks".   Isaiah exhorts Judah to "walk in the light of the Lord" - to be prepared for that great day when the Lord will reign over all the earth.  (This is considered to be a vision of the Millennium rule of Jesus.) 

The rest of this chapter is a stark revelation of what was happening in Judah during Isaiah's day and what will happen when God brings His judgement.. " a day of reckoning"  upon the earth. 

Judah was practicing divination and other  occult activities. They were obsessed with their silver and gold. They were proud of their horses and chariots.  They were worshiping the works of their own hands.  Pride and arrogance are particularly offensive to the Lord.  Over and over again the Word of God tells us that those who are proud will be brought down, while those who are humble will be exalted.  This passage proclaims this truth loud and clear.

Verse 11 " The proud look of man will be abased, and the loftiness of man will be humbled, and the Lord alone will be exalted in that day." 

Verse 17 "and the pride of man will be humbled, and the loftiness of men will be abased, and the Lord alone will be exalted in that day." 

"From the terror of the Lord and from the splendor of His majesty" -  Men will hide.  They will throw down all their cherished possessions. They will run to caves and caverns in order to hide from God's judgements.  

God will cause the whole earth to tremble. Everything that man thinks is permanent and unshakable will be destroyed - the "cedars of Lebanon.. the oaks of Bashan.. the lofty mountains.. every high tower.. (imagine what that will look like .. think about the twin towers on 9/11.. multiplied .."  every fortified wall.. all the ships.. all the beautiful craft.. the idols will completely vanish.." 

The final statement is so vital - "Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemed."  

Father in heaven, how great is Your glory! You alone are God and You will always be sovereign over all of heaven and earth.  Every man and woman is subject to Your perfect will.  You determine our last breath.. our lives are in Your hands.  Open our eyes, Father, to see that You will bring judgement on those who are filled with pride and arrogance.  You will judge those who look to other sources for life.  Many today are looking to a man or a government, or to their material goods, or to armies and weapons - but none of those things will last.  As Your Word tells us - You will come and the whole earth will tremble.  You alone will be exalted.  Help us, Your people, to walk in the light of the Lord.  Help us to trust and obey.. and to exalt Your name only! May the Word of God run rapidly and be glorified in all the earth so that many more will turn back to You and find true life in Jesus Christ the Lord.  In the name of our glorious King, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. 

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