Thursday, January 28, 2021

 Isaiah 5:11-17   Isaiah sang a song about the Lord's vineyard, Israel.  Planted in love and cared for by her Creator, Israel was meant to produce good fruit - justice and righteousness.  But instead, she produced only "worthless fruit" - "bloodshed... and distress."

Isaiah records 6 "woes" that the Lord declares against Israel.  The first one I wrote about yesterday - God condemned those who took what belonged to others - greedy and arrogant, they ignored God's Law and abused their fellow countrymen.  God promised justice would be done.  The mansions of the rich would be empty -abandoned by those who were taken off into captivity. The vineyards and fields would no longer produce. The land would be desolate. 

The second "woe" is issued in verse 11. "Woe to those who rise early in the morning that they may pursue strong drink; who stay up late in the evening that wine may inflame them!" 

The people of Judah liked to "party."  In fact, they were so enamored by their lifestyle that they started drinking early in the morning and kept on until late at night.  It was all they cared about.  They did not pay any attention "to the deeds of the Lord.."  They never considered "the work of His hands".  Unfortunately, this attitude and lifestyle is more prevalent in our nation than we ever care to admit.

Judah had witnessed Israel being taken into captivity by Assyria.  They had heard the threats of Assyria against their own nation. They had heard the warnings of the prophets.  But, they didn't care.  They lived by the philosophy of the rich man in Luke 12 .. "And I will say to my soul, .. take your ease, eat, drink, and be merry.. "  And like him, God says to Judah, "You fool! This very night your soul is required of you.. " Judah would "go into exile for their lack of knowledge." 

The Lord would send the rich and the poor, the elite and the common folks.. into exile. All would suffer from starvation and thirst. Many would die. "Sheol has enlarged its throat and opened its mouth without measure; and Jerusalem's splendor, her multitude, her din of revelry, and the jubilant within her, descend into it."  Every man, woman, and child experienced God's judgement on Judah. 

 "But the Lord of hosts will be exalted in judgement, and the holy God will show Himself holy in righteousness."

Our country today needs to take heed of God's warning here!  America is not paying attention to the "deeds of the Lord" nor are we considering the "work of His Hands."  Too many in this world are enamored with a lifestyle that ignores the Word of God.  God alone has the final say on what is right and what is sin. 

We need to consider His deeds - He created EVERYTHING!  He chose to establish a people to teach His commandments.  He provided a way of salvation for those who broke His commandments. Even if we  just  consider those three things - we can begin to know Who He is.  

We need to think about what the "work of His Hands" means - Every single life on this earth - present, past, or future - is a work of God's Hands.  If we truly saw the unborn baby as a work of God's hands - how could we... ever... condone or support abortion?  If we read God's Word and learn what is truth, we would know that God created male and female - and He is not confused over which is which! May God help us!

We - as a nation - deserve the same judgement as Israel and Judah. For we also have a lack of knowledge !  The knowledge of a Holy God who has judged in righteousness before - and will do so again. May America turn back to the One True God! 

Father, You are the Sovereign King, perfect in holiness, and ruling in splendor and truth.  Open our ears, Lord. May we take heed of Your words, consider Your deeds and the works of Your hand.   Open the hearts of our leaders, to receive the truth and to repent of their sins. Proverbs 21:1 says, "The king's heart in Adonai's hand is like streams of water, he directs it wherever He pleases."  Direct the hearts of our leaders to the Truth of Your Word, to righteousness, and to true justice.  We ask this in Jesus' name, the name above every name, Amen. 

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