Thursday, January 21, 2021

 Isaiah 1:21-31 This section of Isaiah 1 has the sub-title of "Zion Corrupted, to be Redeemed" in my Bible. The Lord has spelled out the indictment against Israel already.. their lack of knowledge and understanding,  their complete corruption by sin, and their blood covered hands that made their worship disgusting to Him.  

He has given them a call to holiness, telling them to repent.. to cease evil and do good... to obey His Word.. so that their sins that are like scarlet can be made "white as snow." 

Zion - the city of God- was meant to stay holy and set apart.  This is the place where God would put His Name, where His Presence would be found.  It was to be "full of justice".  A faithful, righteous city.  His city. 

But, He says, it had "become a harlot."  Zion harbored murderers.  Its rulers were rebels. It was full of thieves and those who wanted bribes for their own reward.  They abused the needy, the orphans and the widows, instead of helping them.  And because of these things.. the Lord would bring judgement. 

God was about to purge Zion of His enemies. He would "avenge" Himself. He would turn His own hand against His people and "Smelt away [their] dross as with lye." 

 God will remove the sinners from His sight.  He will redeem His Holy City. 

There is a New Jerusalem that is coming.  It will be called "the city of righteousness, a faithful city."  There will be no sin there. No corruption. No rebellion. No abuse.. and no more tears!

Those who still rebel against God will be "crushed".  They will be "ashamed".  They will be "embarrassed".  They will be burned.. "and there will be none to quench them." 

Jesus spoke about this "unquenchable fire".  Mark 9:43 "And if your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life crippled, than having your two hands, to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire."  There is no sin, no pleasure, no desire.. nothing that is worth having.. if it keeps us from Jesus. 

Father in heaven, we pray for a new awareness of Your holiness, that we might reverently fear and worship You. We pray that You might show us grace and give us faith to walk in obedience and trust, doing the things that You have commanded us to do, with clean hands and pure hearts.  You alone are God of heaven above and earth below and there is no other. Your Word is Truth.  No other has the authority to say that sin is not sin.. Those who do it,  condone it and promote it.. are in rebellion against You and will be judged. They will be crushed.  They will be ashamed. They will be thrown into the unquenchable fires of hell.  This is what Your Word says, and it is Truth.  God, help us! Turn  our nation from all wickedness.  May we humbly bow before You in repentance.   We plead for Your redemption.  In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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