Friday, November 29, 2019

Luke 8:40-56  Jesus revealed His authority over nature by stopping the storm.  He revealed His authority over the evil ones by delivering the Legion.  Now He reveals once again His authority over life and death.

Two people - a woman stricken with a condition that caused her to hemorrhage for 12 years and a 12 year old girl who was dying.

 Jesus is on His way to the girl's house with her father when the woman simply touches the hem of His robe from the back.  This woman was desperate but did not want to be seen.  This is like us sometimes..  We know we must have help, but feel unworthy of even seeking the One who is our only hope!   She wanted to "escape notice".. but Jesus noticed anyway!  When He called her out, she came "trembling".  But, Jesus was not condemning her.. He was commending her!  "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace." 

As all of this is taking place, the young girl dies.  Jesus encourages her father to keep believing.  Jesus goes into the house, takes the girl by the hand and calls her to "arise".  And she does.

A daughter restored to her parents. And a "daughter" restored to health.
12 years they had joyfully raised this precious child... 12 years the woman had suffered continually.

We would choose the joy over the suffering, naturally; but both of these were saved by the One who alone is able to do all things!

Father in heaven, we are thankful for this Word of truth, reminding us again that nothing is impossible for You. Jesus Christ is Lord of all, appointed by You to bring us life.  You are our healer. You are our life-giver. Every cell in our bodies is subject to Your command. Take our lives.. take our bodies.. we offer them as living sacrifices... today and every day.. for this is our "spiritual service of worship" ( Romans 12:1).  O how we praise You , for You have shown us such mercy and grace.  Fill us with Your Spirit that we might walk in righteousness and joy and peace today.  In Jesus' name. Amen.

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