Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Luke 3  Verses 1-20 record the ministry of John the Baptist. John was in the wilderness when he finally heard "the word of God".  How long did he live in this desert, waiting on the Lord?  We do not know.  As the son of Zacharias, John would have been in the priesthood.  Yet, he doesn't seem to ever serve in the temple, that we know of...  His calling was something far greater.. as the "Voice of one crying in the wilderness.. "  Filled with the Spirit before his birth, John was a different sort of man.

We are told that John preached "a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins;"  He taught the people that repentance bears "fruits".  If there is no good fruit produced in one's life.. then it is like a bad tree, "cut down and thrown into the fire."   John didn't pull any punches and didn't tickle anyone's ears.  There is a "wrath to come".. and only true repentance will bring salvation.

The multitudes didn't even know what that meant. "Then what shall we do?" they asked.
The good fruit of a forgiven man is compassion and kindness.. "Let the man who has two tunics share with him who has none; and let him who has food do likewise."  John answers.

The "tax-gatherers"  asked "Teacher, what shall we do?" 
The answer John gives, "Collect no more than what you have been ordered to, " tells us that good fruit includes honesty and integrity.

The soldiers also asked, "And what about us, what shall we do?"  Imagine, Roman soldiers asking this!  John answered, "Do not take money from anyone by force, or accuse anyone falsely, and be content with your wages."  Be fair, honest, truthful, and content.

The fruit of repentance should reveal transformation of a man's character and heart, John teaches.  Radical changes reveal true salvation, brought by true repentance and forgiveness of sins.

There was such a change in people that they began to be in a "state of expectation and all were wondering in their hearts about John, as to whether he might be the Christ."   John was quick to set that straight.  The One coming was much greater.  John considered himself unworthy of even being His servant.  The One coming is mightier, coming with a "winnowing fork in His hand... to gather wheat into His barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire." 

Jesus came to bring salvation, yes.  But, John makes it clear that He also came to reveal the judgements of God.  Jesus taught this so clearly.  Every person must choose.. to believe and be saved, or to reject Him and be cast into the fire.

Luke gives a detailed list of the line of Joseph, showing the relationship to David, as well as to Abraham and even as far back as Adam. He is also the one that tells us that Jesus was about thirty years old when He began ministering.  Luke briefly mentions the baptism of Jesus by John and the arrest of John by Herod.   All historical facts that show us the time and places of all the events that happened.

Father in heaven,  we are waiting on You, to hear Your word, to seek Your will, and to see Your glory.
We want to live for You and be ready for the day of Christ's appearing.  I pray for those, especially my own loved ones, who have not truly repented and come to the salvation that Jesus alone can give, that You would open their eyes, change their hearts, and bring them to Yourself.  This is my earnest prayer and I wait on You to do this great work, for I ask it in Jesus'  name. Amen.

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