Monday, November 11, 2019

Luke 5 :12-

Jesus comes face to face with a man "full of leprosy".  This man "fell on his face and implored Him, saying 'Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.'"   Think about this... a man full of leprosy would be greatly marred... perhaps missing a nose or fingers; disfigured and broken.  Yet he fell on his face... risking further damage to his body, he was totally counting on Jesus and holding nothing back.  If Jesus didn't heal him right then, he would be completely done in...  "Blessed are the poor... " Jesus taught.  The poor.. the beggar, the mendicant - so desperate that if help is not given, life will end.
The leper had no other hope, no other life-line, no other way to turn.

But, Jesus said, "I am willing; be cleansed."  And the  man was cleansed, "immediately" !

We are in the same desperate need as the leper. Maybe our body parts are still attached, but without Jesus, our hearts are stone. We are dead. We have no hope, no life-line, and no other way to turn.
Only Jesus can cleanse us from our sins, our guilt, and our lostness.

And, He is willing!  Thanks be to our God!

Father in heaven, You have given us life through Jesus Christ the Lord and we are so thankful!
May Your name be glorified in all the earth and may the name of Jesus be lifted up and exalted.
Help us to know You in the way that this poor man did, as our life-giver, our healer, our Hope, and our All in all! Amen.

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