Monday, November 25, 2019

Luke 7: 36-50   Simon, a Pharisee, invited Jesus to come dine with him.  But, when Jesus came, Simon did not even offer water for Jesus to wash His feet, a kiss of greeting, or anointing oil for His head.  These common courtesies should have been extended to any guest, let alone One as special as Jesus.  The Bible Knowledge Commentary says this, "In effect he ( Simon) did not seem to think Jesus could do anything for him, for he did not consider Jesus a prophet."  Simon saw himself as above Jesus, more pure, more righteous.. and therefore treated Jesus poorly.

The woman, however, showed her love for Jesus by anointing His feet with the costly perfume and her own tears.  She kissed His feet, " a sign of utmost respect, submission, and affection".

Two contrasting reactions.  Simon quickly condemned both the woman, "a sinner".. and Jesus.. "If this man were a prophet he would know who and what sort of person this woman is who is touching Him, that she is a sinner." 

Jesus tells a parable to Simon.  Two debtors, one owing 500 denarii and one owing 50, were both forgiven their debts.  Which would love the moneylender more?  Simon knew the answer.. of course the one forgiven more.  Jesus applies this to the current situation.. Simon and the woman were both debtors. But, she knew that she had been forgiven much and she was so thankful!  She loved Jesus very much for this gift of mercy.   Simon didn't even know that he needed forgiveness.  He didn't see the debt that he owed to the Savior.  He didn't love Jesus, because he didn't receive the forgiveness that he so desperately needed.

Jesus released the woman from her sin. "Your sins are forgiven."  But, Simon and his associates remained "righteous" in their own eyes and unrepentant before the Lord.

Are we forgiven much?  Do we recognize our need for the Savior's gift of mercy?  Or do we go around like Simon, perhaps curious enough about Jesus to start a conversation, but unwilling to let down our walls and admit that we have a debt we cannot pay?

Father in heaven, thank You for bringing me to Christ.  I know that there was a great debt that I could never pay, but that Jesus paid it all!  What a wonder!  And now, this day, bring me again to His feet, to worship, to anoint His feet with my tears of gratitude and love. Keep me in Your love and in the steadfastness of Jesus. Thank You that I can know Your grace that is sufficient for me.  You will complete that work that You have begun in me, for You are faithful and able.  I praise You, Lord.

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