Monday, November 4, 2019

Luke 1-2  In verses 26-56 of chapter 1 we read the details about Mary's encounter with the angel, the amazing announcement of the Christ child she would bear, and her meeting with Elizabeth. This young woman was called "blessed".  The commentary in my Bible says that this word indicates that Mary was "indwell by God and thereby to be fully satisfied".  It goes on to say that blessedness is an "inner quality granted by God.. His indwelling and the consequent peace and satisfaction to the believer no matter what the circumstances may be.. "

Chapter 2 gives us the "Christmas story".   Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem and while there, Jesus is born.  Luke gives us information on some of the witnesses to this event.

First, the shepherds are visited by the angels and told amazing good news.  They immediately go and find Jesus just as they had been told.

33 days later, Mary and Joseph take Jesus to Jerusalem so that they can offer the appropriate sacrifice.  Simeon and Anna, a "righteous and devout" man and an eighty-four year old "prophetess"  acknowledge and testify that Jesus is the One that would bring salvation and redemption to the world.

Later, when Jesus is 12 years old, He is found in Jerusalem speaking to the teachers in the temple.  "And all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers."  Jesus went back to Nazareth with His family and grew up "in subjection to them".   He "kept increasing in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men." 

I always wonder what happened to these people who saw Jesus... the shepherds, the wise men, the teachers, and His family..   What happened to them after witnessing such amazing things?  Were they believers when Christ began His ministry, when He was crucified, or when He rose again?  Did they remember their first encounter with Him.. at the manger or at the temple?

Father, we sometimes wish we could have seen Jesus while He walked this earth the first time, but we look forward even more to the day when He returns to rule forever.  May we never forget.. but like Simeon and Anna, may we wait and watch.. ready for that day, when Your glory comes again. How lovely it will be to say, "My eyes have seen Thy salvation."   Keep us walking in truth and love, that we might persevere through every trial and overcome to the end.  For it is in Christ Jesus that we live and pray. Amen.

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