Friday, November 8, 2019

Luke 5:1-11  The crowd pressed in to hear Jesus, but the fishermen were at the edge of the lake, washing their nets.  Jesus got into Simon's boat and asked him to put out a little way from the edge and sat there to teach a little more.  When He was done He told Simon to put his nets out again in deeper water.  They had fished all night without success, but they did what Jesus said and caught more fish than what two boats could hold...

Simon fell at Jesus' feet.  He knew that this was something so extraordinary that everything else would fall far short.  So when Jesus called him to follow Him,  Peter, James, and John.... all left everything behind to follow Jesus.

Jesus asks nothing less than this for all of us. What is He calling us to leave behind?   Family?  Jobs?
Comfortable places?  Comfort zones?  Our own agendas?

Have we missed the extraordinary that Jesus wants to do for us because we have tried and failed and we are tired.  E.M. Bounds wrote about this in the book Waiting on God.  "Hast thou not known, hast thou not heard, that the Everlasting One, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary?"  ( Isaiah 40) And because of this inexhaustible power.. He gives to us strength as we wait upon Him.. "they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint."  Bounds says, "Believers are to live a heavenly life, in the very presence and love and joy of God. They are to live where God lives; they need God's strength to rise there. To them that wait on Him it shall be given."

Father, You spread Your wings and we find rest from our weakness and strength for whatever lies ahead.  Thank You.  Help us to continually lay down our lives, our burdens, our fears, our wills... and follow Jesus with confidence that He will never fail to hold us up.  Nothing in this world is worth holding on to, so help us to fully trust You every day and every hour. Amen.

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