Friday, November 30, 2018

Nahum 1-3  This book focuses on the downfall of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria.  Even though Nineveh had repented at the time of Jonah, here over 150 years later, they are back to wicked ways.  They took Israel into captivity and were threatening Judah, but Nahum prophesies their destruction.

This book pronounces the reality of God's judgements on the wicked.  He is "slow to anger", but He "will by no means leave the guilty unpunished." ( v3)  The God who controls both the whirlwinds and the storms, who dries up the seas and makes the mountains quake.. will pour out His wrath on those who refuse Him.

On the other hand, for  those who take refuge in Him.. there is good news! God will restore, He will defend, and He will redeem. ( Nahum 1:15)    Paul takes this obscure verse,  written in the middle of this scathing rebuke on Nineveh,  and uses it to say, " And how shall they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of good things." (Romans 10:15)

Father in heaven, Your Word is true.  You will judge and punish those who deny, refuse, and rebel against You.  You are a God who is just and righteous.  Yet, we are amazed and humbled that You are a God who is merciful and gracious, and we give You praise and thanksgiving for the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ, Your beloved Son.  Indeed, the Word brings great joy for all who will believe.  May many more hear these glad tidings this Christmas season. May they receive the Truth and repent from their sinfulness, and put their faith in Jesus Christ and His righteousness. We ask this in His Name, Emmanuel, God with us.. amen.

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