Tuesday, November 6, 2018

II Corinthians 1-2   Paul expresses confidence in his relationship with the church in Corinth, proclaiming that God "establishes us with you in Christ.. "  Paul came to them, led by God.  He acted in  "holiness and godly sincerity" while among them. His delay in returning to see them again was for their sake, not his own.  His sincere desire was to see them in joy.. standing firm in faith.

Paul instructs the church to restore the repentant believer back into the fold and to "reaffirm" their love for him.  Forgiveness, Paul instructs, is important.. for without it, Satan will take advantage.

Finally, Paul describes the open door for ministry that he found in Macedonia.  "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place."   As believers we "are a fragrance of Christ to God".  To those who believe it is the aroma of life.  To those who will not believe, it is the fragrance of death.

The Holy Spirit is made manifest.. made known to the senses.. by believers who make Jesus known.
When we speak of Jesus.. when we tell of the good news.. and bring the Word to those who have not yet heard.. we make Him known with a "sweet aroma".  

Charles Spurgeon wrote of Christ, using the words of Solomon's song, " Yea, He is altogether lovely."
He speaks of the loveliness of Christ's character and of His sacrifice.. of how lovely He is in His office and in every condition.  This statement comes from this sermon.. " You never find His kindness lessening His holiness, nor His holiness eclipsing His wisdom, nor His wisdom abating His courage, or His courage injuring His meekness. Everything is in our Lord that should be there, and everything in due measure.  Like rare spices, mixed after the manner of the apothecary, our Lord' s whole person, and character, and sacrifice, are as incense sweet unto the Lord."   It is because of His loveliness and perfection.. that we are made lovely... a sweet aroma.. the fragrance of life.

Father in heaven, Thank you for making us Your own, through our Lord, Jesus Christ.  You establish us in Your Kingdom, by Your will, through the grace poured out upon the cross of Jesus.  How can we thank You enough?  Fill us with Your Spirit and manifest the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Christ in every place.  We ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord. amen.

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